Chapter 20

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Me and Nick entered the room seeing Y/N on the floor. Behind her was the Prince of Hell. "You. What did you do to her?" I asked. The prince looked at me. "I'm sorry?" He said blankly. I was furious but I had to control it.

"I said what did you do to her?"
"Are you her lover or something?"
"Answer my question!" I shouted. "I won't ask this again. What did you do to her?"
"How dare you speak to me this way? Do you not know who I am?"
"Do I look like I give a shit? I asked you a question."

He sighed and look at me again. "I did nothing but exchange her soul for something valuable to me." He bent down and slapped her face. There was no movement from Y/N. The prince gave a small scoff. "I guess exchanging her soul to bring back Scarlet had gone wrong. I guess she's dead now." 

I growled under my breath. "You're lying." "With her soul gone, she's dead. That's the truth." Without thinking, I attacked him. I sent him flying across the room. "You took Y/N away from me and exchange her soul for your own good. Do you have a reason why you did this?" The prince got up wiping away the blood from his mouth.

"Great. My face is ruined now because of you."
"Is that really important to you or are you just saying that to ignore the reason why you exchanged Y/N's soul?"
"Who knows. Maybe both, maybe not."

He walked up closer to me. "But the fact that you disrespected me and hurt this poor face of mine, you have to be punished." I saw a slight glow in his hand. "Yoongi back away!" I heard Nick shouted towards me. I back away like what Nick instructed but the prince was gathering all of his power to make a huge attack on me. I thought is was over but a voice stopped him. "Belius stop!" Both of our attention went towards the voice. Y/N was awake but her gaze was on the prince who's name was Belius. "Scarlet?" Y/N slowly got up but there was a different aura about her. As if, the girl standing in front of me isn't Y/N at all.

*Third Person POV*

"Scarlet? Is it you? Is it really you?"
"Yes it is." Scarlet's voice didn't seemed as happy as Belius was in front of her.
"I've missed you so much. All these centuries, I've been trying to find ways to bring you back."
"You know that you can't bring the dead back to life."
"I know but if it's you, I'm willing to bring you back into my life."

Knowing how Scarlet is, she couldn't believe the love of her life has sacrifice a woman to bring her back to life. She scoffed while Belius was blinded by his love for Scarlet.

"Did I asked for this? I never asked for this."
"But I can't go on without you Scarlet. You're the love of my life."
"I appreciate that you love me a lot but the real Belius wouldn't be this stupid to bring someone he loves back to life. Just think about what the King will do if he knows you did something like this."
"Father never cared about me! You already know that! He cares for my older brother and my younger brother! Only you cared for me."
"You know we can't be together. We can't be together in the first place. You're a prince. I'm just a commoner which the King allowed me to make a living by being a knight."

Belius tried to walk up to Scarlet but Yoongi stopped him. "Are you stupid? She's trying to tell you that you should've moved on instead of bringing her back to life. Not everything in life is gonna go your way." Belius glared at Yoongi. "You know you shouldn't disturb a lovers' conversation." "What lovers' conversation? All I see is a prince being a stupid bratty kid who is willing to bring back a dead person." Scarlet stared at Yoongi. So that's the person that Y/N wants to go back to. He deserves to have Y/N back instead of me having Y/N's body. "Why you-" "Belius stop. I have enough of you. You're sick and this is wrong. Just let me go already." Then something inside of Scarlet's sentence triggered Belius. A different side of Belius that not even Scarlet know.

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