Chapter 3

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The sunlight came in through the curtains and hit my face.

I groaned and turned.

Wait, what time is it?

I check to see its 7:04 am. Work starts at 8:30.

Since I was awake, I decided to take a shower.

I stepped in and let the warm drops of water hit my skin.

As I bathed, I thought about last night's events.

I didn't even get to see the man's face. And he was so odd. Handing me his umbrella and dancing in the rain? Isn't he worried about his health?

Well meeting him wasn't any use to me. I just got a free umbrella.

I stepped out and dressed into my uniform.

It was now 8:22. How long have I been in the Shower?!

I quickly left for work.

Today the day seemed brighter.  The sun was shining through the dark clouds, birds were chirping.

But it wasn't only the weather, it was also Me. I felt so different.

But of course...Everything is the Same....I'll never get them back...all I did was shout...I should've been dead not them...

Tears streamed down my face as these thoughts erupted in my mind. I quickly wiped them and stepped inside the deserted coffee shop.

"Hi Uncle" I said.

"Ah June. I made you pancakes!" He said, happily.

How sweet of him!

"Oh means a lot thank you" I fake smiled.

I ate slowly and wiped my mouth. 

It was 9 am and people could now come.

For at least 2 hours, no one came. I could see crowd gathering outside, obviously because of the celebrity. Jesus people should get lives ..


I heard the door open.

I didn't bother to look at who came, my eyes were focused on the crowd outside.

I stood by the cash register, biting my lip as I stared at the mad people.

I could tell the customer was looking at the menu, I could see him from the corner of my eye.

"Uhm...I would like-hey!" he cut himself off the moment he laid eyes on me.

I turned My eyes to face a pair of ocean blue eyes.

Wow ...these eyes are so beautiful...they're like the color of the ocean with hints of green. I just got lost in them...

I noticed he was staring right back at me...Oh this Is awkward..

"I-Im sorry is anything wrong?" I asked, stuttering.

"you're the girl I met yesterday..Running without heels in the rain?" He said.

So that's why I thought I heard his voice somewhere!

"Oh yes yes! my name is June. And you are?" I said polietly, giving a fake smile.

"James. James Walter" He took out his hand to shake.

The moment my hand met his, a shock went through My body. I Felt shivers, butterflies In my stomach and my cheeks were on fire.

"well what you like to order James?" I asked.

I stared at his face as he looked at the menu. He looked so good...His eyes were beautiful like the ocean...His lips looked soft and pink...His hair looked perfectly messy...wait wait wait wait...I just met him, and I'm crushing on him?! I can't even love anyone anymore, I don't have it In me. I'm left with no emotions.

And I don't have time for relationships. All they do is hurt you in the end, I cannot afford worsening my state.

"Um..I don't actually feel hungry. I just came in here 'cause I felt like coming here. What about a blueberry muffin? those are my favorites!" He squealed.

"Excellent choice. I like them too. Ill get it.." I said.

I really loved blueberry muffins...Im not interested anymore...


it was a Sunday, and mom as she does every Sunday, was baking. She always made brownies, a  chocolate cake and especially for me, blueberry muffin because they're my favorite.

"Sweetie! I finished baking! here have some!" Mom called.

May and I gobbled up everything we laid our hands on.

"Oh mom these taste delicious! best mom ever..."

*End of flashback*

putting the memory aside, I got James the muffin.

"Thanks pretty lady" He said.

I didn't like him calling me that, we hardly even met.

" I would appreciate if you didn't call me that. Thank you" I said calmly.

"No problem, pretty lady" He smirked.

"James please stop I'm not that kind of a person.Either leave or stop" I said.

To be honest, I'm just trying to live. I already have enough things to deal with, I don't need him to make it worse.

"Jesus Im sorry" He said.

"It's okay" I sighed.

After paying the bill, he left.

He might be an eye candy but he certainly didn't strike me as a kind and poliet man. And even If he was I would want to do nothing with him.

Because I can't.

Just can't.

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