Chapter 6

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"One hot chocolate coming up" I said.

Today was a really lazy day. It was pouring outside, and there was only one customer in the shop. Honestly, the scene was really beautiful. A bit of darkness and a touch of gloominess.

I hadn't heard from James at all, and I wasn't bothered.

I served the hot chocolate to my customer and got back to reading The Fault In Our Stars.


the door opened. I didn't bother to look up. If they order then ill stand up and stuff but since they aren't I'm fine like this.

"Which page?" James asked.


"James? what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well i read your message. I decided not to trouble you. But I just had to talk to you about this book!" He said.

Well I was a bit mean ..

"Um sorry for being mean...Im on page-"



We said together.

We stared at each for a while, looking at each other like one of us is absolutely crazy.

"This is just weird..." I said.

"I've been feeling like that since I met you.." he said.


"Nothing. Wanna have coffee with me?"

"Can't. I have My shift. Besides I'd rather keep my distance from you.." I said.

"Ill stay here till your shift is over. I want to spend time with you"

"Dont you have a job or something? look Im not interested. Why would you wanna spend time with me? I'm not special. I'm just a depressed kid regretting the past. Understand?" I said.

"Can I at least be your friend?" He asked.


"hmm..." he teased.

I gave him a look and he put his hands up in the air in defence.

After my shift was over, he asked if he could come to my house. With lots of hesitation I gave In.

"Its a nice place you got here!" He exclaimed.

" Its nothing special" I muttered.

"come on light up" he said.

"You seriously dunno me" I said.

"Im all ears"

"Not now James"

"alright.  Which movie? "


"Lets watch a movie. What about a Disney movie? They're my favorites!" he shouted like a boy in a candy store.

"Mine too..." I said as my mind drifted away..


"I love Sleeping Beauty!! Mom can we please watch Sleeping Beauty??" I asked.

it was movie night and we were arguing over which Disney movie to watch.  May and I loved Disney, and we were convicing Mom to let us watch Sleeping Beauty.

"Honey let 'em" Dad said.

"Alright alright" She smiled.

"Yay!!" Me and my sister squealed.

*End of Flashback*

"Earth to June???" James shouted as he shook my shoulders.

my eyes blinked a thousand times to comprehend what was happening. How come James is so close to me?

"uh-um, what about,  uh, Beauty and the Beast?" I asked.


We sat on the couch and started watching that movie.

James and made some popcorn and and got some coke as well.

It actually got slightly boring, so I rested my head against the hand rest of the couch and fell asleep. I sensed James shifting as well, I knew he was falling asleep as well.

Morning's light came in.

"Morning sleepy bucket"  James said.

"Youre still here?" I asked in my pathetic morning voice.

"I couldn't leave you June"

I got butterflies in my stomach when he said that...

"you know...I think its okay if we hang out. I don't mind its pretty nice really. But only friends please.."

"No problem" he said , handing me coffee.

"I have to get to work.."

"ill come with. I have a day off"

" Alright"

I changed and we left.

Its really weird but I have a feeling that ill be able to share everything with him...

Maybe he could be a true friend...whatever it is..there is some connection...

and somehow for the first time

I'm not afraid to find out...

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