Chapter 20

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hiiii. hehehe.  I'm in a giggly mood. dunno why I'm going crazy even tho my life sucks x'D

"June?! My God come out already! You never take so much time!" James exclaimed from outside my bedroom.

We were leaving for lunch with Jay. James was already ready, only I was left. I thought I'd put a bit of makeup. But where I took most of time was choosing what I had to wear.

"Oh my God patience James I'll be out in 5!" I shouted back.

"You've been saying that the moment you went in the shower! Hurry up!" James said, exasperated.

"Coming!" I said.

I picked out a black sleevless flowy  dress. I put on a bit of mascara and eye liner and nude lipstick. Opening my hair and setting them, I unlocked my bedroom and went out.

James eyes widened completely as he took in my appearence. He whispered a small 'wow' and I blushed like a ripe tomato.

"well I'm here now. Can we leave?" I asked.

"Huh? w-what? oh y-yeah." he stuttered.

I smirked a bit and we left.

We were down outside the building and we saw Jay approaching us.

He came while looking at me and squinting his eyes.

"Is that June?" he asked and I Burst into fits of laughter.

"Its me, Jay" I said and he widened his eyes.

"You're joking. I've never Seen you with makeup! Damn you look beautiful," He said with a smile.

"Thanks," I said and laughed.

I felt James tense around me. I looked him.

His lips formed a straight line and he looked as if he could kill Jay.

"James? Let's go.." I said.

As soon as he looked at me, his expression turned to a soft one.

"Hmm," He hummed.

Finally,we reached a vintage looking restaurant.  All wood with such lighting that made us feel warm.

"Cozy," I commented.

"Yeah!" Jay said. We looked at each other and smiled.

James coughed and I looked away.

What's his deal?

We found a table and Jay was going to sit next to me when James pulled him away lightly.

"No.Im sitting here." He said, tartly.

Crest-fallen, Jay frowned at sat on the other side, alone.

I was a bit annoyed at James attitude, he could've been less rude.

We sat and read the menus.

James ordered the food and we all sat looking at each other, awkwardly.

"So..uh..How's work, June?" Jay asked, breaking the silence but leaving the awkwardness.

"uh,great. I mean, boring," I said and laughed.  Jay laughed along.

"Did you know we're moving in?" James suddenly  asked.

Why the hell did he bring that up?

I shook my head at Jay, signalling not to tell him.

"O-oh is it? Congratulations," He said, a bit taken aback.

"You bet." He said with a smirk and put an arm around my shoulder.

I started to feel uncomfortable. What is James doing?

"James what are you playing at...?" I whispered.

"What?" He asked and took a sip of his drink.

I shook my head and looked at Jay. His head was down and had a frown on his face. Oh my God I feel guilty..

"Hey Jay?" I said.


"Food's here," I said and he smiled.

We all ate in silence. It was delicious, thanks to James' choice.

"The food was delicious. Thank you June...James," Jay said before leaving.

It was only James and I in the car now, and I was annoyed as ever.

"James," I said in a low tone.

"Yes babe?" He asked,sweetly.

"Why the hell were you being so rude to Jay?"

"Not now June."

I huffed and crossed my arms.

I shut my door with a loud thump when we entered my apartment.

"Explain.Now." I said.

"He doesn't strike me as a nice Person," He said.

"Lie. He's a very nice person and is good at heart. And I know you realize that, I know how you are. So don't feed me that bullshit," I said My face red hot with anger.


"No James. You were fucking rude to him. He was hurt! seeing him hurt, I was hurt. So basically you hurt me. You want to hurt me? Wow have I misjudged you!" I shouted.


"No! If you're going to be so rude to him, I don't want to talk to you!"


"Hell no. I am not moving in with you, I was so wrong about you!"

"June!" He shouted and ran to me and pulled me closer. I gasped as his forehead touched mine and as he cupped both my cheeks.

I felt his breath on my lips as he said "June..."


"He likes you. I can see it in his eyes. I dont want him to.." He whispered, desperation clear in his voice.

"W-What? why...?"

Time stopped.

Didn't they tell us, don't rush into things?
Didn't you flash your blue eyes at me?

Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds?

It was as if everything was happening in slow motion. His breath got slower and I closed my eyes.

But Darlin'
We found wonderland
you and I got lost in it
and we pretended it
would last forever...


His hands landed on my hips and I opened my eyes.

He tilted his head and looked into my eyes before looking at my lips.

Just as thought I was going to feel his lips on mine, his lips got attached on my neck as he pressed his lips harder on it.

I threw my head back and closed my eyes.

"James," I said in pleasure.

He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

In the end , in wonderland we both went mad.

"Because you're mine," He whispered and let go of me.

He took his stuff and left.

I stood there, completely shocked at what had just happened.

He kissed my neck.

He told me I was his.

He basically just told me he liked me.

And he left.



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