Chapter 21

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Hey there :) I kinda wrote chap 22 before this, ahahahaha
so yeah this Chap is kinda like a filler.
sowie babez.
missing someone terribly :'( U know who u r, ice cream! <3
lyt. ∞


A familiar voice called.
What's going on? Its all dark. Everything is pitch black.

"June dear..."


"Mom?!" I called frantically.

Suddenly a memory flashed before my eyes.

It was me with a school bag with a paper in hand. I looked about 9.

"Mum! I scored full in math!" I shouted and ran into my mother's arms.

"You did? Oh I'm so proud of you darling," She said and kissed my cheek.

I giggled.

Looking at the all so familiar I smiled. With salty tears trickling down my face.

"M-mum?" I croaked.

Just then another memory flashed.
It was the time when Dad got me a Present.
It was the a piano, something I always wanted.

How he always made me happy.
How he always kissed me goodnight.
How I always cuddled into him at night.

How he loved me.

I broke into endless tears. But I couldn't hear my cry.
It was black again.

Suddenly I saw a light, which was followed by a crash sound.

Then I saw.
Their faces covered in blood. 

That was all for me to fall unconscious.

I woke up with a jolt.
My breathing was very heavy and I was sweating so much that my clothes were wet.

I remembered my dream.
More like a nightmare.
I switched on the lamp.
I turned to my side and put my feet on the cold ground.
It sent a shock through my body, the sudden coldness felt in my extremely hot body. 

I looked at the ground and faint memories of my dream struck my mind.

My breath became short. I shook my head and started to cry. 
I started to feel restless.

I got up and rushed outside my house.

with hot tears streaming down my face, a sweaty body and eyes showing regret, I ran.

I ran as fast as I could.
Finally I reached my destination. 

The back road.

I looked up and fell to my knees.

That's when I felt like a huge weight was put on my chest. And I had to let it out.

I let out a loud cry and then put my face in my palms.

my vision was blurry.
I looked up to see the stars shining a bit too bright.


Confused, I rubbed my eyes. I saw the familiar three stars forming a triangle, shining brighter than the other stars.

Slowly my breathing got normal. Tears stopped flowing. 
I was calm.

The calmness of the night soothed me. I shut my eyes and felt the night.

"I'm sorry." I whispered and got up.

"June? June what happened to you?!" James asked, shaking me.

I sat on the chair, staring at the floor with a dead expression.

"Nothing James." I said.

"What did I do wrong?" He asked his voice shaking.

"Nothing!" I shouted.

I got up and walked away.

My eyes felt moist and a little tear trickled down my left cheek.

"June are you going to have lunch?  you skipper breakfast already!"

"no." I simply said and cuddled into my bed.

I haven't eaten or gotten up from the bed since morning.

James groaned and walked away.

At 8, James came again and asked," June.. you have to eat now. You haven't Done anything since morning. Come on - OH MY GOD! JUNE?!" he cut himself off when he saw my face.

My eyes were red and cheeks so was my face.


I pressed my face into the mattress.
I didn't want to do anything.

I want to kill myself.

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