Chapter 24: Ibuprofen

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I woke up to a mild headache, due to the drinks I downed last night. Thank god I was smart enough to not get wasted, this'll easily go away with a ibuprofen. I got up, grabbed my phone, and went downstairs to eat breakfast and take the ibuprofen.

After pouring my cereal, I decided to check my phone for any missed texts or calls. I got two missed calls from Josh and one very long text from Finn. What to deal with first...I might want to take the ibuprofen before I do anything. I have a feeling this is going to be bad.

I decided to call Josh back first, it's less of a stress inducing task. I'll deal with Finn in a bit.

"What the f*ck (y/n)?" Josh said to me.

Never mind

"Hey buddy." I responded in a slightly scared tone. ( you know the one I'm talking about )

"Don't buddy me. Why'd you do it?"

"Do what exactly?"

He sighed and I could mentally picture him rolling his eyes.
"What you told Finn, idiot."

"He was acting all weird about me having fun! Am I not allowed to make friends and have fun? Everyone is too damn busy to hang out with me. What do you expect me to do? Sit around and wait until summer is over?" I told him off.

"I'm sorry we have lives (y/n)! He already feels bad enough that he can't be with you this summer. You just had to make him feel worse about it, didn't you?"

I inhaled and exhaled loudly.
"If I were you, I'd get my head out of my a*s and apologize to him. Not everything revolves around you."

He hung up and left me speechless. He does have a major point, but he could've been a bit nicer about it. Then again I did snap at him. I guess I can't complain. Alright, now to the next stress inducing thing on my check list. I clicked on the notification and began reading.

"I'm sorry (y/n)! But you knew I was leaving. I already feel bad enough as it is..." I kept reading until the end.

"...maybe I overreacted a bit but try and see this from my point of view. I don't want to lose you (y/n)."

My eyes were already watering a bit. God, I'm such a b*tch. Maybe I overreacted? I need to apologize, ASAP. I hope he's not filming as of right now. I went to my contacts and called Finn. It ran for a while until I heard his voice.

"Hey." he said.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm such a b*tch sometimes. I know you only said that because you don't want to lose me."

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't be so hard on yourself, okay? It's fine, I forgive you." Finn said calmly.

"God. Out of all the people you can be best friends with, you choose me." I smiled.

"It's not like I have a choice." Finn said jokingly.

"Whatever, you love me." I said.

"That's true." he paused. "Hey, do you want to come over earlier? I can get you a flight on Thursday if you want."

"I would love to but aren't you still extremely busy with filming?" I said.

"I won't be so busy for a couple of weeks. They're going to be shooting most of the bully scenes and Sophia's scenes."

"Then absolutely! I just have to let the motherboard know or else my head will be on a stake." I laughed.

"Yeah, of course. Well I have to be on set in a bit so I'll FaceTime you later."

"Okay, bye Finn."

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Finn said.

I smiled widely. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I'm glad we're on good terms now. I'm so f*cking excited to visit him for two weeks and a half. I just have to tell my mom and get Devon to take care of Stimpy while I'm gone.


After getting ready, I jogged over to Devon's house. It was still kind of a mess but that's after party stuff. I went up to the door and knocked. Devon opened the door looking hungover. I couldn't contain my laughter. He ruffled his hair and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. What'dya want kid?" Devon said groggily.

"Okay, first of all we're the same age so f*ck off. Second of all, can I trust you to dog sit Stimpy for about two weeks and a half. You won't be staying over, you'll just make sure he has food and water. And make sure you take him for wa-"

"I know how to take care of dogs (y/n). But yeah, you can trust me to do all that."

"Wait a minute, how much would you charge?" I squinted at him.

"For two weeks and a half...I'd say $85. I don't charge much compared to everyone else in Santa Cruz." he shrugged.

"Okay great. I'll see you later, bye Devon." I said and walked away.


After practically begging my mom to leave on Thursday, I FaceTimed Finn. He didn't pick up the first two times. After the third call, Wyatt and Jack showed up on my screen. I scrunched up my face in a confused manner.

They were talking over each other so loudly that I couldn't understand a word they were saying.

"Guys! Where's Finn?" I asked, slightly irritated.

"We stole his phone, now we're locked in the bathroom together hiding from him." Jack said.

I heard Finn's muffled yelling and laughed.
"Wyatt, Jack, if you wouldn't mind. Please give Finn his phone back."

"Finn! If you stop pounding on the door we'll give you your phone back and you can talk to your girlfriend." Wyatt said to Finn through the door.

"I'm not his girlfrie-" I got cut off by Finn snatching his phone.

I heard Wyatt and Jack yelling in the background. Finn rolled his eyes and huffed.

"Hey (y/n), sorry about that."

"It's fine, so guess what?" I said.


"I can leave on Thursday! I can't wait to see you Finnlard!"

"That's awesome, I can't wait to see you either." Finn said and smiled at me.

I then heard Jack and Wyatt come into the bathroom and they started messing with Finn again.

"I swear I'm going to need ibuprofen to deal with these two."

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