Chapter 8: Cute

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"Also, I'm going to film IT after I finish filming this show. It's called Stranger Things. I'm honestly so excited. My acting dreams are slowly coming true!" Finn was exploding with happiness.

"I'm so proud of you. I can't wait to see you on the big screen." I said with a big smile.

We were in the guest room, it had more room to build a fort. We were both facing each other while laying on our stomachs. We have been talking about this for hours.

"We need to throw a party. Next weekend, here. Your parents won't be here and Nick is never here."

"I don't know (y/n). Who are we going to invite? We only hang with a couple of people."

"Come on please Finn! We can clean up as soon as soon as it's over. We can invite Josh and (other random people lol). It's going to be so much fun." I negotiated.

He stayed quiet while he thought about it. He made eye contact with me and I wiggled my eyebrows jokingly. He laughed and nodded. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. I let go and saw him blushing slightly.

Tell him how you feel

"Finn I-" I got interrupted by Nick bursting into the room.

"Finn! I need to talk to you, now."

( Nick most likely isn't like the character I'm making him to be in this story but it's important for the storyline whoop )

Finn rolled his eyes and got out of the fort. I heard them walk out and slam the door. I sighed, maybe it's for the best that I wait to tell him. But I don't know how long I can hold it in for.

A few minutes passed and I heard Nick's car turn on and speed off. I then heard Finn enter the room. He looked upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, I don't want to talk about it." Finn said without making eye contact with me.

"Okay." I said, almost a whisper.

"What were you going to tell me?" Finn asked.

I faked a smile and laughed a bit.
"What snacks do you want there to be?"


I woke up with Finn by my side. He was pressed up against my back, his arm draping over my torso. I exhaled and smiled to myself.

One day

I heard him shift and heard him grunt. I pretended to be asleep. It'd be weird if he knew I've been awake for a while. I heard him get up and walk around to my side of the bed.

He sighed, "Cute."

What's that supposed to mean? Does he mean it platonically or is he serious?

I then felt my body being shaken, a sign to wake up. I opened my eyes slowly, still pretending I had just woken up. He was kneeled down in front of me. He smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Time to get up bozo. Breakfast time."

-.- (the next weekend whoops)

I took the quickest shower I could and I already live in California, that's saying something. I hopped out the shower and quickly dried my hair. I walked out of the restroom and headed to my closet. I rummaged through my clothes to find the perfect party outfit. After about five minutes, I finally managed to pick a cute but casual outfit.

 After about five minutes, I finally managed to pick a cute but casual outfit

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I placed each article of clothing on my body and looked at my vanity mirror. I stared at the makeup kit I had. Should I try and put a bit of effort into my face today? I decided not to since it was just a few of our close friends and grabbed my skateboard. I ran downstairs, said goodbye to my mom, and out I went to Finn's house. I had agreed to help set up the party along with (y/bff) and Josh.

I finally reached his house and saw some porch lights already hung up out front. I smiled and knocked on the door. To my surprise, (y/bff) came behind me and tugged on my arm.

"You're late you know that? We've been setting up for about a half hour already! Come on, we're out back." they said as they dragged me to Finn's backyard.

I saw Finn setting up a table and saw Josh bringing drinks out. It's already pretty late, people should start showing up soon. I walked over to Finn and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and smiled.

"Hey, you can start by getting the karaoke machine set up. I know it's cheesy but it's fun after you try it a few times."

I nodded and walked inside to get the machine. Yeah, sure get me to carry the heaviest thing. I puffed my cheeks out as I tried to pick it up. Finn walked up to me and shook his head with a wide smile on his face.

"Need help there?"

"Yeah, thanks."

"By the way, you look great." he complimented.

I am deceased

"T-Thanks, you do too." I said as I tried to control myself.

" I said as I tried to control myself

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I loved when he wore his glasses. He smiled and we began to pick the karaoke machine up. We finally got it outside and huffed as soon as we put it down. We high fived and continued setting the party up.

After about ten minutes, we heard the first person arrive. Time for everyone to start pouring in.


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