1 | Introducing: a total idiot

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Ah, the exciting life of (Y/N) (L/N).

Also known as 'that kid who never cares about anything'.

With two pro-hero parents, a relatively powerful quirk and a strategic mind when she was actually paying attention to a task, she could easily have been a top student with a little hard work. However, her preferred way to get through life was to coast on by and let life direct her sails.

That was exactly what she was trying to do on this bright and sunny Friday, by falling asleep in her English class. Unfortunately, her teacher was being even louder than usual.

"Alright, here's your forms. You can take them home over the weekend and fill them out."

The (h/c)-haired girl raised her head from the desk at those ominous words, accepting the sheet that was handed to her by a classmate giving them out. Glancing at it, she saw that it was a form detailing which school and course you wanted to apply to. Great.

With a muffled groan, she sunk her head onto her crossed arms. Honestly, she'd not even thought about what she was going to do after school- her homework and her shifts at the arcade she worked at occupied her mind enough.

Her parents were also abroad for work for nearly a year, leaving the girl to look after herself. Although she might come off as lazy with her laid-back attitude, the reality was that she just didn't care enough to focus. (Y/N) knew that she should really be looking to apply to UA; it was the school that everyone wanted to get into, after all. But she hesitated.

I can fight with my quirk, but I'm hardly a hero. I'll get myself killed.

Sliding the form into her bag, she went back to staring at the table and pretending her problems didn't exist. One of her many useful skills.

What (Y/N) didn't know was that in the next few years, her life was going to be a chaotic roller coaster filled with friendships, danger and near-death experiences. She'd come out of her shell and do things she didn't even think were possible. But first, she had to make the first step to becoming a hero- and she'd make it that night...




A/N: Short chapter, but it sets up the story a little! The next few are better hopefully :3c

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