15 | The festival begins

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Two weeks later, (Y/N) was slouching over the table in the waiting room, her life practically flashing before her eyes.

During the run-up to the festival, she'd not really worried too much. Her time had been taken up by school work and training- she'd even asked Bakugou if she could train with him, a... fun experience for the both of them. She grinned just remembering it.

"What the fuck are you doing, you idiot?! You won't beat me using just your quirk! I've told you, I can burn through anything you can grow!"

"Easy for you to say! My quirk's the only thing I've got going for me! I barely know how to throw a punch.."

"...Great, so I'm gonna have to fucking teach you to actually fight. This'll be interesting."

Thankfully, she now had a decent grasp of hand-to-hand combat. Oh, and a whole lot of second-degree burns.

As she drifted off into her thoughts, Todoroki's voice brought her back. Glancing towards him, she saw the apathetic boy talking to Izuku.

"... I'm stronger than you."

Catching the end of his sentence, the girl straightened up, curiosity rising.

"All Might's keeping an eye on you, isn't he?.. I'm going to win."

Sitting fairly far away from the two of them, (Y/N) only picked up snatches of the conversation. From what she could tell, Todoroki was essentially declaring war on Izuku, with Kirishima desperately trying to salvage the mood by telling him to lighten up. 

Wow, I sure am glad that I'm not Izuku right now. The girl chuckled to herself.

Unfortunately, that was the moment that Todoroki swung his gaze towards her instead.

Oh, great. This is my punishment for joining a class full of dramatic dumbasses.

"(L/N), I'm going to beat you as well. We're not here to pretend to be friends, and I won't let you distract me. Forming meaningless relationships is holding you back from improving. I won't let the same happen to me."

Fuck, ouch. Slightly confused and more than a little hurt, she couldn't even think of how to respond. Luckily, she was spared further embarassment as it was finally time to enter the festival.

Wandering along in a sort of daze near the middle of the crowd, the girl barely noticed as Midnight introduced the event and Bakugou gave his speech. Normally, she would have found it hilarious, but she was absolutely lost in her thoughts.

What if Todoroki's right? Am I too friendly? Fuck, I don't know what I'm doing... What if I end up ruining all my relationships with people like this? I don't think I'm holding myself back... But do I really know what I'm talking about?

Shaking her head, the girl forcefully replaced her worry with a sort of annoyed determination. "I'm not weak, I'm not fragile, and I'm not holding back." She muttered under her breath.

I'm going to crush this, just like I told Uraraka. I'll show everyone.


After the first event was announced to be an obstacle race, the girl found herself preparing in a long tunnel, surrounded by absolute strangers. 

At least if I mess up, I'm surrounded by people. I can always hide behind someone else, right?


Jumping with shock, the girl began to push her way through the crowd, being thrown around and shoved by the absolute crush of students.

Unfortunately, this meant that she didn't notice the ice creeping towards her feet. 

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