3 | Change of plans

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Charging up the stairs to her apartment, she was through the door and slamming it behind her before she even had time to think. Locking and bolting it, she slid down the wall, panting.

Oh my god. Holy shit. Mother of Mary, what just happened?

She ran a hand through her (h/c) hair, and gave a tiny, panicky laugh. Somehow, she'd gone from background to main character in a single night, and it felt good. Leaning back, she closed her eyes, and waited for her heart rate to return to (almost) normal before she stood up again.

A buzz in her pocket brought her back to the present, making her realise three things.

1. She'd been sitting there for almost half an hour.

2. She'd legitimately given her number to some random guy off the street.

3. He'd actually texted her.

Shakily, she pulled out her phone.




I wanted to say thank you for saving me. I never got the chance


Are you a hero?

Unknown to him, that question hit (Y/N) like a bus. She'd thought she was too weak to even attempt saving people. That she'd get herself killed. But apparently she was wrong.

Could it have been a fluke that she came away from that fight unharmed? Of course. It probably was. But it still gave her confidence, and she saw a whole world of possibilities opening before her. 

I could be a hero. I really could. I could make my parents proud of me.

She furiously rubbed the tears from her eyes and texted a reply.



No, I'm not a hero. My name's (Y/N) (L/N), and I'm going to apply for UA's hero course.




A few months later

(Y/N) (L/N) was no longer known as 'that kid who never cares about anything'. 

Instead, she was known as 'that kid who cares about nothing except training', which was a small improvement, but an improvement nonetheless.

Her teacher's reaction when she told him that she was going to apply for UA's hero course was to laugh, thinking she was making an attempt at a joke, but that didn't stop her. Soon, sections of her free time were absolutely dedicated to training her quirk. She bought a gym membership, made a conscious effort to eat more healthily, the whole package.

Sure, she was still relaxed as hell, and she loved nothing more than to sleep in and watch awful YouTube videos. But the people around her saw a noticeable change, even if she didn't realise it herself. 

Before she knew it, she was in the final weeks of school, and then it was all over- leaving her with a whole lot of free time she hadn't previously had. And that was why she was standing in an empty room in the gym again, beating the shit out of various pieces of equipment.

The (h/c) haired girl frowned as she grew towering creepers into the air, using them to slam the punching bag hanging in front of her. Leaping forwards, she decided to try out the new technique she'd been practising.

I know my quirk is weak as hell in close combat, so I need a strategy.

Two thick vines grew from her sides, each one sprouting an enormous Venus flytrap on the end. Running forwards, she used them to grab the punching bag, accidentally tearing it to shreds in the process. To be fair, she'd gone through about seven since she'd discovered this move- the gym had started just adding an extra charge onto her membership automatically.

As she retracted the vines and grabbed her water bottle, her phone lit up. Flicking onto messages, she grinned.

izuku :00

hey don't forget the exam's tomorrow! good luck  ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆

Oh, and that was another thing that had changed in her life- she'd kept in contact with the mystery kid she'd saved in the alley that night. After talking for a while, she'd found that his name was Izuku Midoriya, and like her, he wanted to get into the hero course at UA. 

They'd been texting back and forth pretty much since they'd met, and had even hung out together a few times recently. Overall, they had become fairly good friends- which was probably good, considering neither of them were exactly social butterflies.

For both of them, it was just nice to talk to someone about the upcoming exam without being laughed at or challenged.


ofc I wont forget! good luck to you too :DD

Yep, she was definitely ready for the exam. There was absolutely nothing and nobody that could mess this up.

At least, nobody that she knew about yet.

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