9 | New beginnings

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(Y/N) spent the rest of the day distracting herself from her problems with bad jokes- one of her many talents. 

Hanging lazily backwards off her chair, and tuning out Iida's complaints about health and safety, respecting the school, and more things she didn't really care about, she prepared her greatest joke yet.

"Knock knock."

Kaminari grinned and rolled his eyes before replying. "Who's there?"

"A broken pencil."

"A broken pencil who?"

The girl gave an evil cackle, unnerving her classmates more than they'd like to admit. "Never mind, it's pointless."

Pretty much everyone except Kaminari and (Y/N), who were too busy laughing like this was the funniest thing they'd ever heard, groaned and facepalmed. After putting up with the two of them for almost an hour, everyone was losing patience rapidly.

"Alright, alright, I've got a better one," Kaminari wiped an imaginary tear from his eye and prepared to make the class crave death even more. "Knock knock-"

At that moment, a distraction thankfully came through the door in the form of Izuku. The majority of the class clustered around the door, introducing themselves and complimenting his fighting. Glancing through the crowd, (Y/N) gave a sigh of relief to see her friend in one piece, and looking fairly healthy.

I'd have killed Bakugou if he only came back with one arm, or something. Hey, wait.. where'd the bastard get off to? I've not seen him since training.

Slipping through the crowd, she tapped Izuku's arm, making him leap about 3 feet into the air.

"Chill out, it's just me. How're you feeling?" She frowned as she saw the stressed-out expression on his face.

"O-oh, I'm fine.. (Y/N), where's Bakugou?" 

"I was actually about to ask you the same thing. I think he left a while ago." The girl gave a worried sigh and ran a hand through her (h/c) hair. Seeing Izuku turn around, she called a confused "Hey, where are you off to?"

"I've got to catch up with him."

Despite the protests of the class, most of them probably expecting him to end up back in Recovery girl's office, he raced off down the hallway and out of sight.

(Y/N) felt like she was going to die of confusion. God, I'm so tired. Should I go after them?.. No, I said I'd leave them to sort this out themselves. I shouldn't stick my nose in.

Eventually, she grabbed her things and set off for the train station, after saying a hasty goodbye to her friends.

There's nothing I can do. Besides, I'm exhausted..


One thing that the girl hadn't anticipated was the absolute downpour that started when she was walking. Another unwelcome surprise was finding Bakugou on the train platform.

All I need now is a villain attack, and this day literally couldn't get worse.

Standing in awkward silence next to him, she decided that engaging him in conversation would be a good idea. God knows why. Honestly, she just had no sense of self preservation.

"...Hey, Ba-"

"Not in the fucking mood."

"I.. was just going to ask why you're still h-"

"Missed my train."


Shoving strands of wet hair out of her face, she glanced at him through the rain. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was upset.

Despite his usual behaviour, the girl found some sympathy bubbling up inside her. If she was telling the truth, he reminded her of herself a little. She could have a short temper, she was impulsive, and she was afraid to lose- it wouldn't take much for her to act exactly like him.

Surprised by this revelation, she forgot to keep her mouth shut.

"Don't yell at me for saying this, but I know what it feels like. To be afraid of losing, I mean."

He glared at her, but didn't make a move to punch her, which she took as a good sign. "I'm not afraid, you bitch."

"Alright then, feeling like you can't afford to lose." Taking a deep breath, she continued. "Look, we don't get along. I hate the way you treat my friends, and that won't change in a hurry. But believe me when I say I know how it feels."

Hardly daring to look at him, she dropped her voice to a murmur. "Despite our arguments, I'm pretty sure you're not a genuinely bad person. Just.. don't do something that you can't come back from, alright? I know there's something big going on between you and Izuku. Don't let it ruin your life, and don't let it ruin his."

Honestly, (Y/N) was nervous as all hell, and shocked that Bakugou hadn't spoken up and tried to threaten her yet. Not wanting to push her luck, she saw a train pull onto the platform and immediately raced on board without looking where it was going, giving a sigh of relief when she realised that it stopped near her house.

What she didn't notice was that while she'd been talking, her anxiety had caused her to lose control of her quirk slightly, and left on the concrete where she'd been standing was a single purple Hydrangea flower.

She also didn't see Bakugou pick it up, examine it for a moment, then put it in his pocket, a small frown on his face.




A/N: This chapter was kind of rushed so im sorry if its bad fghkhhdk

Also if you were wondering, a hydrangea symbolised gratitude for being understood, frigidity and heartlessness! So I thought it would be appropriate lmao

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