11 | Life can always get worse

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With Iida as the new class president, life continued as normal. The afternoon's training would apparently consist of a rescue mission in a facility out of the school building, and so class 1A was currently lined up beside a bus, waiting to leave.

"Sweet, a school trip!" (Y/N) lazily stretched her arms above her head with a grin. Unfortunately, she was overheard by the beloved class president.

"This is not a school trip, (L/N)! It's important off-site hero training!" Iida attempted to reprimand the girl, waving his arms and looking oddly offended. 

Looking him directly in the eyes, the girl retorted "Dude, this is such a school trip. I bet that in 10 minutes, we're singing the peanut song and throwing haribos at each other." With an annoyed huff, Iida turned his attention back to the rest of the line.

Apparently none of them could get into a bus by themselves, so he was kindly using his whole 20 minutes of Class President Knowledge to help them. Predictably, everyone ignored him and scattered as soon as they entered the bus, trying to get seats near their friends and chattering loudly.

Taking pity on her friend, (Y/N) decided to actually sit where he'd told her to go, and ended up next to Todoroki. Great, the one person that I'm sorta scared of. 

She gave him a small grin as she took her seat, and decided to attempt conversation. At least if he kills me I won't have to do any work..?

"Hi! I don't think we've properly talked. I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." The girl introduced herself, then seeing his unimpressed expression, hastily added "Sorry. If you don't want to talk to me that's chill. Just thought I'd try to-"

"Todoroki Shouto." She glanced at her companion, surprised to see a small smile on his face. Smiling back, she relaxed a little. He doesn't seem so bad.

Deciding to join the conversation the rest of the class was having about their quirks, she started to listen in.

"Well if we're talking about strong quirks, we have to talk about Todoroki, Bakugou and (L/N)!" Kirishima's voice cut across the bus, making her grin and blush slightly. 

Is my quirk actually that strong? I honestly don't have a clue.

She quickly retorted "Well yeah, but we all have really obvious weaknesses. A fire or water quirk could take any of us three out easily. How about your quirk, Kirishima? It's nuts! You could sure as hell beat me in a fight!"

It was the redhead's turn to blush, but (Y/N) was oblivious- too busy laughing at Bakugou.

"Speak for yourself, bitch!" He furiously snarled, shaking his fist at her like an angry old man. Kaminari decided this was an extremely good time to throw a haribo at his head, and before anyone knew what was going on, the bus had devolved into a haribo battle royale with the two class idiots dying of laughter in the background.

(Y/N)'s future-prediction powers, 1. Class president, 0.


"Oh, I know this guy!" the girl grinned and elbowed Kaminari as they stood receiving instructions from Thirteen, another pro hero. "He sucks stuff up and shit. He's cool."

Kaminari's intelligent response to this was to mutter "Succ" under his breath, and soon the two of them were desperately trying to stifle laughter. Putting (Y/N)'s and his senses of humour together was a horrible mistake, and now everyone was paying for it yet again.

Not to mention the fact that half the class still had haribos stuck in their hair.

Finally calming down a little, (Y/N) peered over the heads of the other students and frowned as she saw a black mist swirling in front of the centre fountain. 

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