21 | New starts, old problems

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Festival over, the sun dawned on another regular day at UA high. Shining through the window, it landed on a ruffled, messy head of (h/c) hair.

Face-down on the table and feeling like death, the 'famous' hero in training (Y/N) (L/N) was already having a bad time.

"Today we have a special Hero informatics class." Aizawa, as cheerful and exited as usual, announced from his desk as everyone internally panicked.

Barely awake, (Y/N) sighed and slumped further over her desk. After a sleepless night, mainly thanks to her arm absolutely killing her, she'd burst into class about 30 seconds before Aizawa and slammed down in her seat. Wonder what we're doing today? Maybe there'll be a UA battle royale. At this point nothing would surprise me.

"You'll be choosing your hero names."

Thank god, nobody's going to die.

She half-listened as Aizawa announced the amount of internship offers the class had, with Todoroki and Bakugou coming in the top spot, predictably.

"...This year our top three stole the spotlight. There's usually more of a spread."

Yeah, because normal classes don't have three or four edgy anime protagonist kids. Just the usual zero. God help us.

After Midnight arrived, (Y/N) found herself staring at a blank piece of paper with raw fear in her eyes. After all, if she messed this up she'd probably get stuck with the name, knowing her luck.

What's a cool plant related name? Poison ivy is already a thing.. Venus? That's way too girly...

Feeling somebody poke her shoulder, she turned to see Kaminari smirk at her. "(L/N), I have the perfect name for you."

"I swear to god if this is something stupid-"

"Funguy. Get it? Because-"

"Oh my god. When is the last time I even grew a mushroom, you dense motherfucker?" She deadpanned, trying to hold back laughter as Kaminari gave a dramatic fake gasp.

"Oof. My feelings.."

"Time's up! Who wants to go first?" Midnight announced with an evil smile. Oh, great. Glaring at Kaminari with all the fury in her bitter soul, the girl turned back to her paper and scribbled down the first thing that flew into her head in panic. Am I just destined to have really bad luck? Considering what's happened so far, probably.

After a few of the worst and funniest hero names she'd heard in her life (Imagine being saved by a guy called Can't Stop Twinkling, or Lord Explosion Murder? You'd die laughing before the villains could even hurt you) it was finally her turn.

Walking nervously to the front of the room, (Y/N) grinned and spun her card around to reveal the words 'The greenhouse hero: Overgrowth' in horrible handwriting on the front.

This is it. Bad luck or good luck, I guess I'm Overgrowth now. One day, that'll be a hero's name!

"...(L/N), nobody can read that."



A few minutes passed, and the class was lazing about and chatting, mostly trying to figure out who they were going to intern with. Unfortunately, (Y/N)'s list of heroes may as well have been written in a foreign language.

400 recommendations is pretty good, considering I covered the arena in multicoloured vomit. It's a shame I know about 3 of their names.

To be honest, she wasn't a massive hero nerd like Izuku- there were only a handful of heroes she actually liked, and none of them were written on the paper in front of her.

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