20 | Final chance

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Realising that she'd probably missed a few matches, (Y/N) said goodbye to her friends and headed back to the waiting room, hoping to say hi to whoever was fighting next.

Unfortunately, when she arrived, the room was empty. She took a seat and leaned backwards, staring at the ceiling. I don't know how long I was out, but it can't have been that long, right? I know that Uraraka has another fight.. maybe she's up next? Guess I'll just have to wait and-


With a squeak of surprise, the girl tried to sit up, only to make the chair overbalance and crash to the floor.

Sitting up, she saw a shocked-looking Izuku race over to her and frantically wave his hand in front of her face. "(Y/N)! Are you okay? How many fingers am I holding up?!"

"I dunno. How many fingers do you actually have?" Laughing at his depressed expression, she hauled herself off the floor and gave him a bright grin. "Are you here to say good luck to whoever's next?"

"Uh.. yes?"

"Who is it? I have no idea." Ignoring his confusion, she leaned on the table lazily.

"...It's you." 

At these cursed words, (Y/N) felt her mood drop considerably. She'd ended up in Recovery girl's office in only her second fight, and whoever she was up against now would definitely be ten times tougher. "Well that's just great. Who am I fighting?"


"Ah. Would you excuse me for a second?" Walking slowly over to the corner of the room, the girl laid down on the floor and curled into a ball, letting out a stream of curses and looking like she was about to cry.

Time to die, lads. UA was fun while it lasted.

Awkwardly following her and sitting down next to her, Izuku patted her back as the girl started to rant quietly.

"I'm so fucked. I know I said I wanted to beat him, to prove him wrong about what he said to me, but I honestly don't think I can do this... I mean, he's got these crazy god-like powers and what have I got? Flowers n' shit."

"...Remember the entrance exam?" Glancing up, (Y/N) saw Izuku offer her an anxious smile. "I was sure I'd failed. You still believed in me.. and I believe in you now."

With a shaky grin, the girl sat up. It might sound cheesy, but hearing her friend encourage her made her feel a little more prepared. This is what I've been fighting for this whole time. My friends really do make me stronger.

"...Thanks." Laughing slightly, she nudged his shoulder. "You know what? I can do this. Back before I came to UA, I was so lazy and shit I barely had control of my quirk. Now I'm halfway through a gladiator tournament and I just beat someone up with a tree, like a badass wood nymph or something. We've both changed a hell of a lot, huh?"

Fake it 'til you make it, (Y/N). All you've got to do is avoid dying. You're pretty good at that.


"And now, our next fight! The terrifying Shouto Todoroki, versus the tournament's underdog, (Y/N) (L/N), both from class 1A!"

Even Present Mic knows I'm dead.

Predictably, all (Y/N)'s courage had died the moment she actually saw Todoroki staring her down from the other side of the arena. If she was being totally honest, she really, really didn't want to fight him.

That feeling only got worse as she saw an entire glacier heading straight for her.

Shooting out vines from her hands in panic, she hit the ground with them and catapulted herself into the air. Narrowly missing the slab of ice, she landed on top of it with an ungraceful roll.

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