19 | Meeting your match

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A while later, (Y/N) was back in the waiting room again, this time with Mina keeping her company.

After Uraraka had won against Bakugou with a mini meteor shower, Todoroki had flattened Izuku into a bloody pancake. She, Iida, Uraraka and Tsuyu had gone to try and see him, but apparently he'd fucked up his arm so badly that he needed actual surgery this time.

How long can he keep this up before he ends up permanently injured?  That was the main thought running through (Y/N)'s head.

She was also incredibly curious about Todoroki, who'd used his fire for the first time in the battle. She had no clue what his issue was with using his left side, and she didn't really want to get involved in his issues, especially because his father was Endeavour- the most terrifying hero she knew. Oh, and also because he apparently disliked her now, and it probably wouldn't help to be nosy.

Basically, with all the drama of the other matches, she'd kind of forgotten about her own.

"Mina, if I die, please avenge me.." The girl sighed, turning to her friend.

Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, Mina grinned brightly at her. "You're not gonna die, idiot. You're super strong! If you beat Iida, you can beat some random girl."

Grabbing her by the shoulders, she propelled (Y/N) towards the door at high speed. "Get out there and win this match!"

Glancing back as she walked out, the girl laughed and blushed as she saw Mina blow her a kiss. Heading forwards, she heard Present Mic announce the contestants.

If he calls me unusual again I'm gonna walk straight back through that door, I swear.

"Next, ladies and gentlemen, a battle of the plants! (Y/N) (L/N) from class 1A, versus Shiozaki Ibara from class 1B!"

It's better than last time, I guess?

As soon as the battle started, (Y/N) fired herself forwards, producing vines from her hands and hitting out at her opponent. 

Unfortunately, Ibara just blocked these vines with her own, knocking them off course. Frowning with concentration, (Y/N) tried again, with similar results.

Ducking backwards with a yelp as a wall of vines slashed towards her, she raised her hand and formed a wall of thorns to hide behind, continuing to knock away attacks with bigger and bigger vines.

This is reminding me of Kirishima's fight against Tetsutetsu. Her quirk is mutant type, so she can probably use it for longer than I can grow my plants.. so unless I do something drastic, I'm screwed.

Frowning, she dodged out from behind her wall and ran forwards, hoping to get close enough to use her flytraps. Dodging under a few small vines, she was too distracted to pay attention to the rest of Ibara's hair, and she hissed with pain as it slammed into her chest and sent her flying backwards.

Trying to stand, she felt plants wrap around her chest and lift her into the air. Panic filled her head as she realised she could barely move. She's going to beat me the same way she beat Kaminari unless I do something quickly!

An incredibly risky idea flashed through her mind, and she hesitated. This could actually kill me. Am I willing to do this for a glorified sports day?

Yes. Yes I am.

With a determined shout, (Y/N) concentrated all her energy and activated her quirk.

The ground rumbled, and Ibara glanced around in confusion along with the spectators. She had no time to react before something huge shot out of the ground below her feet, sending her tumbling backwards and forcing her to drop (Y/N) as many of her vines snapped.

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