14 | Competitive spirit

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The next day started off on a high note, as usual, with (Y/N) trying to traumatise her classmates.

Sitting on her desk, she leaned dramatically towards Mina and Sero, the only two people dumb enough to listen to her.

"Look. All I'm saying is that if you put together the evidence... Yoshi could definitely have been Bowser's bastard child."

Mina burst out laughing as Sero pulled a disgusted face. "You've ruined my childhood, (L/N). I hope you're happy."

"You can't hide from the truth!" The girl dramatically cried, slamming her hand down on the table for dramatic effect. 

Unfortunately she was interrupted by Iida bursting through the door and telling everyone to sit down. Giving an over-the-top sigh, she slid into her seat.

About thirty seconds later she got the shock of her life when some weird... thing covered in bandages came through the door and walked up to the desk.

Is that our supply teacher or something? What the hell?

"My wellbeing isn't important at the moment." The toilet paper creature spoke in a familiar monotone voice.

Wait, holy shit, that's Aizawa. 

"What's important is that the fight isn't over yet."

Anxiety rushed through her mind as she remembered the villain attack, and she ran a hand roughly through her hair. Don't tell me something even worse has happened. I'm barely functioning as it is...

"...The annual sports festival is coming up."

At this statement, the class immediately relaxed, all seeming glad that this was a completely normal school activity. Although I bet it ends up going horribly wrong one way or another. Every time we leave the damn classroom someone breaks a bone.. (Y/N) thought, pessimism getting the better of her. Although it was definitely justified.

As usual, she pushed her anxiety to the back of her mind, deciding that worrying was hardly going to make it any safer.

Will I regret this later? Probably. Although we're not even going out of school this time... instead of worrying about villains, guess I'll have to worry about the other students.

"(L/N)-chan! Let's crush the sports festival!"

Shocked out of her daydreaming by Uraraka's sudden appearance in front of her, (Y/N) gave a tiny scream and fell out of her chair. However, she immediately sprung to her feet and punched the air. "Yep! Let's crush it!"

Eh. May as well enjoy myself while I'm still in one piece.


"Uh... Hi there."

After rushing to leave the room at he end of the class, (Y/N) found herself pretty much face to face with a huge crowd of people she didn't even recognise. Fearing for a moment that the press had gotten in again, she backed up a little to stand next to Iida, flashing them a nervous smile.

Bakugou started to complain about something in that edgy anime villain voice he put on sometimes, but the girl decided to scan the crowd instead of listen to him. All she picked up was that they were here to check out the competition for the festival.

Some of these guys look super interesting. She thought, spotting some kid who's head looked like a skull and a girl with literal vines for hair. Sweet, I wonder if she has a plant quirk like mine?

Some guy with messy purple hair and eyebags worse than hers was talking, but (Y/N)'s attention was caught by a different student.

He didn't exactly look like anything special (To be honest, he sort of looked like a cleaner version of Bakugou) but he was smirking aggressively. She knew that expression. 

Here comes trouble.

"Hey, girl with the (h/c) hair. Don't they teach you manners in the famous class 1A? It's rude to stare." Flashing her a smug grin, blondie pushed his way to the front of the crowd.

Giving a lazy smile, the girl internally struggled not to throw a snarky comment back at him. If it had been anyone else, she'd be arguing with them already, but... We can't afford for the whole school to hate us, or we're dead when the festival starts. Swallow the insults, (Y/N). Swallow them.

"Wasn't staring. Calm down a little." Appearing bored by the conversation, she produced a tiny plant sprout in her palm and stared at it like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

Seemingly pissed off by her short answers, the kid's eyes locked on to her palm and a small smirk appeared on his face. "I didn't expect much from a class 1A student, but a plant quirk? Isn't that a little... fragile for hero work? You can't hide behind your classmates forever, you know."

Calm down calm down calm down-

(Y/N) was bulldozing furiously forwards, ready to flatten him, before she even knew what was happening.

Shit, never mind.

Thankfully for everyone involved, Iida grabbed her shoulders to stop her. "(L/N), calm down. He's trying to provoke you."

Taking a deep breath, she fixed a terrifying smile onto her face. "I'm going to knock out your teeth in the sports festival, blondie. Then we'll see who's fragile."

So much for 'swallowing the insults'. 




A/N: I cant even remember if Monoma was actually there, but i've got to fit him into the plot somehow before the festival begins lmao 

Let's be honest he probably got his ass kicked by Ibara for saying that shit

On that note: Time for the sports festival! It's my favourite arc... even though I suck at writing fight scenes... save me please

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