13 | Explanation

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The first thing (Y/N) noticed when she woke up was the fact that her arm hurt like hell.

The second thing she noticed was that somebody was knocking on her door.

"Ah, SHIT." Scrambling up, she raced across the room to glance at the clock. Seeing it had only been about an hour since she fell asleep, she relaxed a little.

Alright, so I'm not late for school. But then... who's knocking on the damn door in the middle of the night?

Any other day, she probably would have ignored them and gone back to sleep. But considering she'd spent the day being repeatedly attacked by villains, she was understandably on high alert. Tiptoeing into the kitchen, the girl grabbed a knife from the counter in her good hand and slowly made her way back to the door.

Okay. Three.. two.. one..!

She wrenched the door open- and almost impaled Izuku, who leaped backwards screaming.

With a sigh of relief, she lowered the knife. "Oh, thank god. For a minute I thought you were.. never mind. What are you doing here?"

"I.. You told me that next time I saw you you'd e-explain why you needed to work.." Looking vaguely traumatised, he glanced nervously at the knife in her hand.

"So you decided to turn up outside at like, midnight? That's sort of hypocritical after you told me to rest." With another deep sigh, the girl backed away from the door. "If you're here you may as well come in."

Turning on the light, she deposited the knife back in the kitchen and then flopped down onto the sofa again. "... How did you even get here?"

"I don't.. actually live too far away." he replied, hesitantly taking a seat next to her.

"Actually, that explains a lot." Like how you ended up stuck in that alleyway that night. I always wondered what you were doing there. 

Anxiously messing with her hoodie strings, she turned to face him. "If I tell you this, you've got to promise to go home and sleep. You nearly died today."

Izuku gave a small smile. "...Now who's being hypocritical?"

Where'd he get that confidence? I guess we're all kinda high on being alive right now... ah well, here goes nothing. 

With a rueful smile, she muttered " Fair point. Alright, I don't have some tragic backstory to tell, and it's actually kind of disappointing. My parents are pro heroes, and they've gone abroad to help with the recent villain uprising in Europe." Staring at the ground, (Y/N) continued "The bills are paid, but I earn my own food money."

"When they said they said they were leaving for a while and I'd have to look after myself, I thought it was a chance to try and make them a little proud. I said I'd be fine earning enough money without any help. I just never planned for... this. UA, I mean. It's stupid, and selfish, but I can't let them down. I'm already enough of a disappointment."

Muttering the last part under her breath, she rubbed her eyes tiredly with the back of her hand and glanced at Izuku, who was sitting in stunned silence. "There. Now you have to go home and rest. If you're gonna keep breaking your bones, at least let them heal-"

"(Y/N), you're not a disappointment. I-if it wasn't for you, I might not even still be here. But you can't keep this up forever, and.. asking for help doesn't make you a failure."

The girl felt like her heart was literally cracking in her chest as she pulled her friend into a tight hug. "What the hell did I do to deserve you?"


The next day


thanks for listening to me yesterday

my parents found out abt the usj thing

and long story short I quit my job 

I should probably have told them I was struggling I guess.

but thanks :)

izuku :00

no problem, i'm glad you're feeling better

just remember you don't need to prove yourself

you're already amazing! ⊂( ・ ̫・)⊃


dude ily :'D

you're a literal angel




A/N: Im sorry this is short as hell,,, its just a filler chapter tho!

I've never really talked about (y/n)'s parents, theyre not big in the story at all

I hate this chapter a lot and the pacing is all over the place but whatever im tired

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