12 | Firefighter

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Running as fast as they could, (Y/N) and Todoroki headed straight for the main source of the fighting. As they began to get closer, the girl saw something that made her stumble to a halt.

Some sort of massive, bulky creature was moving surprisingly quickly around the fight location. A shiver crawled down her spine.

"Todoroki, I don't know what the hell that is, but if it's so big we can see it from here it must be dangerous." She called, starting to charge after him again. Suddenly, a thought hit her.

That villain said that they had a way of killing All Might... What if it's not a thing? What if it's a person?

She was quickly jolted out of her thoughts by an ominous rumbling sound. The ground around her seemed to crumble and melt away, turning into channels of lava. Leaping back with a yelp, she found herself separated from Todoroki by a river of fire.

Alright, both our quirks are useless here, so no chance of making a bridge. It'd just burn or melt... Only one thing for it.

"Keep going without me!" She yelled across to her classmate, trying to spot him through the smoke.

"(L/N), that's-"

"That thing! It could be the weapon! You have to go!" (Y/N) interrupted him, taking a step back. "Trust me!"

Turning on her heels, she secured her visor over her eyes to block the smoke. Glancing around, she hardly had time to react before something heavy hit her back.

Hissing in pain, the girl created a brittle thorn branch and swiped it at the villain behind her, but had to quickly drop it as it set on fire.

She continued to hit out at him with plants, but all he had to do was dodge and wait for them to catch fire. Scorched, with burned palms and lungs full of smoke, (Y/N) began to feel the world spin around her.

The villain charged forwards again. Panicking, she stepped backwards, and the ground crumbled under her heels as she reached the edge of the lava.

There's no getting out of this. My plants burn as fast as I can produce them...

Crouching and ignoring the villain running towards her, she touched the ground and closed her eyes.

So I'll just have to make them faster.

A massive stem thrust out of the ground in front of her, followed by more and more, until the ground around her was a twisting mass of plant matter. It sizzled in the lava, but as soon as it burned (Y/N) forced it to regenerate. Gritting her teeth, she felt blood pouring from her nose.

I can't keep this up much longer. I have to finish this now.

Letting out a furious yell, she combined the stems around her into one huge mass, and swung it at her opponent. Taken by surprise, he had no time to dodge, and ended up flying across the facility, hitting the wall with a thud.

Letting the plants retreat, she collapsed onto her side in exhaustion as a killer headache split her skull and her vision narrowed. 

She heard the sound of loud gunshots, shouting, and then silence.


The next thing (Y/N) knew, she was waking up outside and almost alone, wounds bandaged and arm in a sling. 

"Ah, good, you're awake." Turning sharply, she saw Recovery girl standing beside her. "Your worst wounds have been treated, but you didn't have enough stamina for me to heal you fully. Your quirk takes a lot out of you, doesn't it?"

Struggling to her feet, the girl glanced around worriedly. "Did we win? Is everyone alright?"

"The villains have gone. Everyone's uninjured, apart from Midoriya, who's in critical condition."

At the nurse's words, she sighed and tugged on her hair with frustration. Of fucking course. Would it kill him to keep his bones intact for more than a few days?

"Will he be alright?" she glanced nervously at Recovery girl, who gave her a reassuring smile.

"He'll be fine for now. He really does need to be more careful, though."

"Tell me about it!" The girl groaned, facepalming.

Obviously, her frustration came from worry. She just couldn't understand how he could always end up right in the middle of the danger. Deciding to try and call him later and see if he was alright, the girl found herself wandering slowly home.


Halfway to her house, the girl remembered that even though she'd been through a traumatising experience, she still needed to eat. With this in mind, she turned around and dragged herself to the arcade instead.

Despite the fact that she was covered in bandages and only had one functioning arm, the other staff were happy to see her; there was a kid's birthday party on, so they needed all the help they could get. With her work jacket slung over her shoulders, (Y/N) dashed back and forth with plates of cold pizza and trays of Kool-Aid.

In fact, she worked like a zombie, not even registering what time it was, until her phone started to buzz in her pocket. She accepted the call without even checking who it was, and held it to her ear with her shoulder as she scrubbed an empty tray clean.

"Hey, I'm at work right now, so if you need something-" she began monotonously.

"(Y/N)? It's Izuku, Recovery girl said you were worried so I wanted to say I was alright... Why are you at work?"

At the sound of her friend's voice, she gave a sigh of relief. "Jesus, I'm so glad you're okay. Why do you always end up hurt so badly? I swear, your bones will be fucking powder by the time we graduate."

"You dodged the question.. what are you doing at work? You should be resting." 

"Look, my shift ends in a few minutes. Villains or no villains, I still need to eat, so I can't afford to skip it. I'll rest afterwards, okay? I'm glad you're feeling better, but I have to go." Without giving him time to protest, she ended the call and raced out of the back room with the freshly cleaned tray.

Ah, now I feel bad. But I'll feel worse if I've got no grocery money. At the end of the day, it's not like I have a choice.

Eventually, the party ended, and (Y/N) was able to swap her work jacket for her hoodie and head home to her messy flat. Crashing on the sofa, she gave a small sigh and pulled out her phone.


sorry for hanging up on you but I really need the money from that job

I cant skip it

besides im fine now

izuku :00

i'm worried about you..

why do you need the money so badly? isn't there anyone who can help you out?


its hard to explain and I try to avoid talking abt it

next time I see you I promise ill try

don't worry about me! im doing alright

Closing her eyes, the girl sunk back onto the sofa. I'll just rest for a moment.

A few moments later, she'd fallen deeply asleep.




A/N: I think I dragged the USJ thing on for too long but I just wanted (y/n) to fight some villains like a badass so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also for some reason wattpad won't let me bold text anymore, so that's fun

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