5 | The chaos begins

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It had been a while since the entrance exam, and (Y/N)'s optimism was slowly draining away. It may have been fun to irritate Bakugou, but she was starting to wonder if she should have taken it more seriously.

The one thing that you needed to concentrate on, and you possibly blew it just to annoy one guy. Glad to see you're just as rational and intelligent as ever.

Currently, she was laying across her sofa, halfway through 'Top 10 Fortnite Youtubers who've sworn' and regretting everything about her life. In her opinion, there was nothing she could do to improve her chances now, so she may as well just try to relax.

Of course, that lasted an entire 30 seconds before something had to ruin it; in this case, something dropping through her letterbox.

Letting out a small scream, the girl shot up and grabbed the letter. Racing to the table, she placed it down and ran her hand through her hair nervously. Okay, this is it... You'll never know if you don't open the letter. Get on with it already.

Taking a deep breath, she tore open the letter, and a small metal cylinder fell out. Frowning, (Y/N) prodded it, and a hologram of All Might shot out, making her yelp and stumble backwards.

"Greetings, young (L/N)!"

"How the hell does he know my name? Actually, scratch that, he probably read it from my application.. hey, I wonder how much it cost to send these out? No wonder people complain about UA's budget, with this sort of thing plus the training cities..." the girl mumbled to herself, trying to make sense of the surreal situation.

When she snapped back into reality, she realised she'd missed most of whatever the hologram (All Might? Holo-might? What the hell was this thing?) was saying. She did, however, manage to catch the tail end.

"...been accepted into UA's hero course! Congratulations, young (L/N)!"

Holy shit. I.. I actually got in.

(Y/N) was pretty sure that they heard her screaming in the next city over. Leaping up, she punched the air in excitement, laughing like a maniac. When she finally managed to calm down a little, she noticed that the hologram was now displaying a list of scores.

1 | Katsuki Bakugou | Villain- 77, Rescue- 0

2 | (Y/N) (L/N) | Villain- 50, Rescue- 26

Oh, for Christ's sake. 

"One more point! Just one more, and we could have tied! I'll never hear the end of this.." the girl muttered irritably, scanning the rest of the results until she saw one that made her stop dead.

7 | Izuku Midoriya | Villain- 0, Rescue- 60

If she was grinning before, she was practically a Cheshire cat at this point. "I told him so! It's a pretty shit hero school that only grades the students on how many things they can smash.. of course he's gotten in!" 

The minute she finished that thought, her phone started to ring. Scrambling to pick it up, she noticed it was Izuku calling (because of course it was). Accepting the call, the two teens immediately both started rambling excitedly at the same time, making it almost impossible to tell what either of them was saying.

"Did you see the letter? You got in! I told you so! Holy shit, you're gonna be amazing!"

"I know!! That girl I saved wanted to give me some of her points, but she didn't need to! I actually passed! And you got second place!"

"This is amazing! We're amazing! We're gonna smash this school year!"


These optimistic words immediately died in (Y/N)'s brain the moment she stepped through the door to class 1A. Mainly because the first person she saw was Bakugou, sitting with his feet on the desk and being yelled at by the serious dude from the exam.

The moment they made eye contact, he gave her a livid glare, swung his legs off the desk and stormed up to her. Deciding that death was imminent whatever she did, she leaned against the doorframe with a lazy smile on her face. "Hey, it's the bastard! Can't believe you actually got in." 

"Fuck off, I did better than your shitty ass." Bakugou practically snarled at her. "How the fuck did you even end up in the same class as me?"

Wiping the spit from her face in what she hoped was an elegant motion, (Y/N) frowned. "Dude, I only got one point less than you. Besides, if it came down to a real fight..."

At that moment it seemed like the rest of the class- who had been not-so-subtly watching the argument- were holding their breath. Bakugou charged forwards and grabbed her uniform, forming an explosion in his other hand. The girl would never admit it, but she was slightly frightened by the frankly mental look in his eyes. "Are you saying you could beat me, plant bitch?!"

And that was the sight that greeted Izuku when he opened the door of class 1A for the first time; (Y/N) being held up by Bakugou like she was about to be murdered, faintly surprised expression on her face, with the rest of the class watching in vague horror, and the strict guy from the entrance exam yelling at the two of them to calm down. 

That set the mood pretty well for the rest of the year, to be honest.

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