17 | Fight club mark two

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After cleaning herself up a little, (Y/N) chose to spend her break in the greatest way possible; stuffing herself with candy.

Yaoyorozu and Jirou watched with horrified amazement as the zombie-like girl poured an entire packet of smarties into her mouth at once like a wild animal, sitting with her feet on the table like the Savage she was.

"(L/N), are you alright? You look exhausted and.. uh.." Yaoyorozu began, before being cut off by her friend.

"Nah, I'm good. It's quirk stuff. I don't have time to sleep, but if I eat like a million calories, I might be able to stay awake for the rest of the day. Probably." With a small grin at her companions, she opened another packet.

"Dude, calm down. You know what people say, you are what you eat." Jirou glanced over, smirking as (Y/N) choked on a smartie.

"I don't remember eating a god." She deadpanned, leaning back in her seat.

That was the moment she noticed Kaminari wandering towards them. Waving, she narrowed her eyes at the slightly guilty look on his face. "Heyyyy. What's up?" That expression means he's either done something stupid, or he's about to.

"Uh, hey (L/N). Soooo you do know all the girls have to dress up as cheerleaders, right?"

Sharing a sceptical glance with her friends, she replied "Really? Why?"This sounds dodgy as hell.

"Well.. uh.. Aizawa said it was to welcome the other teams.. or something.." Unfortunately, Kaminari's well-prepared lie was falling apart under her glare. It was definitely a good call to make Mineta wait out of sight- (Y/N) was barely believing him as it was, and if 'Rat Bitch' was there too, she'd probably have realised by now that he was making it up as he went along.

"..Alright. I'll trust you, mostly because I don't care. Also because any one of us girls could snap you like a twig." With a smirk, she turned back to her friends.

Kaminari regretted his choice.


A few minutes later, (Y/N) found herself standing in the middle of the stadium feeling dead inside, wearing a ridiculously skimpy cheerleading costume. Yaoyorozu was on her knees in despair next to her, wondering how she managed to fall for it. To be honest, I'm wondering that too.

Patting her friend's back sympathetically, (Y/N) straightened up, aimed and hurled one of her pompoms across the stadium at the two drooling boys standing there. 

It hit Mineta so hard he fell over. He didn't get back up.

Glaring at Kaminari, she called in a scarily calm voice "You're next, cuck."

Grabbing his unconscious friend, he scooted as far away from her as possible as the triumphant girl high-fived Jirou and Mina. The rest of class 1A, plus the other classes, began to gather into a crowd again and wait for the next stage of the festival.

Present Mic began to explain that the next event would be one-on-one fights. I sort of saw that coming...

"I resign." Oh boy, I didn't see that coming, though.

Pushing through the crowd, she saw Ojiro looking nervous and a little disappointed. "Are you sure? You're so close to the end!" The girl questioned him, voice full of shock.

"But I remember almost nothing from the last round. It might have been because of that guy's quirk. I can't participate when I can't even remember how I got this far."

(Y/N) and the rest of the class protested, but eventually he as well as some 1B kid she didn't know the name of left the competition. Replacing them were vine girl (Who she still kind of wanted to talk to, but felt way too awkward) and weird eyelashes kid, both also from 1B.

As the one-on-one battles were about to be determined, the girl felt anxiety stir in the pit of her stomach. After all, it was extremely likely that at some point in the next few hours she was going to end up in Recovery girl's office. All she could do was hope she didn't end up with any fatal injuries.

Please, God, don't let me throw up all those smarties. Not here, not now.


"Izuku!" Gasping and out of breath, the girl leaned against the wall outside the waiting room, stopping her friend in his tracks.

"(Y/N)? Did you run all the way here..?" He hesitantly patted her back as she took deep breaths, doubled over.

"Yes. Yes I did. But it's because you're fighting Shinsou." Recovering slightly, she followed him into the waiting room. "I wanted to warn you. He's got some weird freaky mind-control quirk, and I have no idea how it works."

"I think it only works if you answer a question from him."

The two kids spun around to see Ojiro standing behind them. "My memory isn't too good, though, so I'm not sure."

"Oh! That makes sense!" (Y/N) snapped her fingers enthusiastically. "So you just have to avoid speaking to him, and you'll win pretty much by default." Grinning at Izuku, she punched him lightly in the shoulder. "If this goes well, it could be your first ever fight where you don't break any bones."

"I'll try my best." Smiling back at his enthusiastic friend, Izuku thanked them both and prepared to head out to the fight.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) herself tore through the corridors trying to find the way to the viewing area, determined to see her friend's first battle.

Bursting through the door and shoving (h/c) strands out of her face, she vaulted straight over the first row of seats and slammed down next to Sero, startling him.

Just in time to see Izuku charge towards Shinsou, yelling something, and suddenly stop dead.

"No, Izuku, you brainlet!" She wailed, earning a confused glance from Sero. Without turning around, she quickly explained "Brainwashing quirk. Now he's answered a question, he's fucked."

Clenching her fists, she watched her friend slowly walk towards the edge of the arena, getting closer and closer to being out of bounds. Along with her classmates, she jumped out of her seat, yelling for him to wake the hell up.

Ah, this is useless.. he's gonna be so crushed by this, and there's nothing we can even do to-

A gross snapping sound- oh fuck, there go some bones- and Izuku was running in the opposite direction again, seemingly released from Shinsou's quirk.

A brief scuffle and it was all over, with Izuku declared the winner. (Y/N) gave a massive sigh of relief, but as she watched the two of them leave the arena something was seriously bothering her.

I wonder why Shinsou's trying so hard to win? Isn't he just some kid from General studies?




A/N: Another short chapter sorry lmao.. I had to write it in little bits over the week and didn't have a lot of time so its not too great. hopefully the next ones r better! I had the magical realisation that this is a fanfic and I can fuck about with canon events so watch out >:3c

ALSO! I've been messing about making a class of OCs and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in seeing them! They're pretty dumb but ive had fun making them lmao

ive still got names and stuff to figure out though, plus I wanted them to be third years but then i realised I couldn't have my own big three so looks like they'll hav to be second years now rip

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