Chapter 1

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It was four hours before Monday Night Raw started. Angelina, aka The Latina Firecracker to the WWE Universe, just arrived to the arena late due to festivities that happened the previous night with a certain "Architect". Angelina and the current IC champ have had a friends with benefits relationship as of lately but mostly just benefits seeing how the two never really talked to each other unless it was when either of them were moaning each others names. Both superstars had gone through a nasty breakup and needed a sexual fixing. One late night booty call turned into another which led to Angelina always ending up in Seth's hotel room right after an event and always coming to work the next day tired and late. This routine had been going on for about a month. At first it was amazing, both superstars were getting the sexual fixing they needed without any of the emotions. But word got out of the twos "friendship" and the gossip spread like wildfire in both locker rooms. Seth didn't mind the gossip, it almost made his ego even bigger if possible. Angelina on the other hand was used to the snarky comments and stares from not only the girls but also the guys. You see, Angelina had been apart of the company for 5 years and in those five years she had managed to at least hook up with half of the roster, both guys and girls. It wasn't her fault that she messed around with a lot of superstars, ever since being called up to the main roster there was only one person she wanted but couldn't have. Who was this person? It was none other than the Big Dog himself Roman Reigns. Sadly Angelina soon came to find out that Roman was not only married but also had three beautiful kids. So Angelina then began to hook up with many
superstars to distract herself from her wanting of the man who's face was literally everywhere seeing how he was one of the faces who ran the company.

So I'm new to this whole fan fiction thing but I'm gonna give it a try. I hope you liked the first chapter. I swear it will get interesting soon.

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