Chapter 40

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It was Wednesday morning and Lena had just woken up. It had been two weeks since Lena last saw Roman. After she spent the week with him and the kids he had Extreme Rules and then he was on the European Tour. Madison had left last week because she had doctors appointments and other work related things to deal with back in California. Lena was gonna have a girls day with Paige so she went and got ready. Lena had felt queasy while getting ready but she brushed it off as not having breakfast yet. As she was getting her clothes on her jeans weren't buttoning up.

"What the actual fuck. I just wore these like a week ago. What the hell is going on?" Lena said to herself not being able to even zip up her jeans. "Screw this. I'm just gonna wear a dress."

 Lena looked at herself in the mirror and she loved the dress but it seemed like her boobs were almost falling out of it

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Lena looked at herself in the mirror and she loved the dress but it seemed like her boobs were almost falling out of it. She didn't understand where all this weight gain was coming from. Paige had texted her that she was in the driveway. Lena grabbed her purse and made her way out the door.

"Well look at you being all fancy and shit. Way to make me look underdressed." Paige said as she backed out of the driveway.

"This wasn't my choice okay. My original outfit didn't fit me. More like just the jeans. I have no idea where all this weight gain is coming from. I mean it's making me look curvier and my ass and boobs have gotten bigger. But still, I don't know why I'm gaining weight."

"That's strange, maybe it's because you're almost on your period." Paige suggested.

"Yeah probably."

The two had gotten breakfast and where now walking around the outlets. They passed by a salon and Lena got a sudden urge to change up her look. Roman was going to be back Friday and she wanted to surprise him. She pulled Paige into the salon to see if they had any appointments available. Luckily there was an available slot right now. Paige looked at her friend weirdly wondering why all of sudden she wanted to change up her hair but she just went along not questioning her.

"Okay so what are we doing today? Color, cut, style?" The hair stylist asked lena while wrapping the cloth around her neck.

"I don't know. I just wanted something different. My boyfriend is coming back home from being gone two weeks and I want something that's going to surprise him in a good way." Lena responded.

"Well I have an idea on what to do. If you don't mind me doing what I think will work for you." The hair stylist said to Lena.

"No please go ahead. Do what you think is best. I want to be surprised so don't tell me what you're doing to my hair."

The girls had been at the salon for about an hour and Lena was getting ready for the reveal. Paige pointed her phone towards Lena and recorded her acting a fool.

"Hey paige can- will you stop recording me?" Lena asked while throwing a brush at Paige.

The hair stylist pulled off the apron from lena and finished curling a few pieces of hair. She turned lena around to face the mirror.

"Open your eyes." The stylist said to Lena.

 Lena opened her eyes and was surprised to see that almost half of her hair was gone

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Lena opened her eyes and was surprised to see that almost half of her hair was gone. She also had darker hair than before. She loved the dark short hair, it made her feel hot.

"Damn girl your hot as shit. Roman is definitely gonna bang the shit out of you when he gets home." Paige said.

Lena hit her playfully in the arm and told her to be quieter. Lena paid for her hair and the girls made their way to get some lunch. The two girls were sitting down and eating when Paige got up to use the bathroom.

"Hey love, do you happen to have a tampon?" Paige asked Lena.

"Yeah here you go." Lena handed her one.

Lena was eating her food when she realized that she wasn't on her period yet and it had been a week late. Paige came back and sat back in-front of Lena.

"What's wrong love? You've look like you seen a ghost."

"Um it's nothing. Just when we are done eating I need to stop by the store before we go back to my house." Lena said while freaking out on the inside. She was never late when it came to her period. She thought back to her and Roman's eventful night and remembered that they never used a condom and he didn't pull out.

The two finished lunch and Lena stopped by the store running in real quick leaving Paige in the car. She made her way to the isle with pregnancy tests and grabbed five boxes. She made it to checkout and the cashier gave her a look of judgement. Lena just rolled her eyes and bought the tests. She made her way back to the car and drove off.

"So what did you need so badly that made you literally get out of the car in a sprint?" Paige asked trying to peak in Lena's bag.

Lena didn't say anything she just pulled out one of the tests and Paige nearly slammed on her brakes.

"Holy shit." Was all Paige could mutter out.

"Yeah I know." Lena said.

They finally made their way back to Lena's apartment and basically ran inside. Lena dropped her purse by the front door and made her way to her bathroom with Paige following. Lena pulled out one of the tests and sat on the toilet not bothered by the fact that Paige was sitting on the counter reading the instructions. Stick after stick lena peed on each one. After the last stick she cleaned herself up and sat with Paige on bed nervous for the results.

"Paige what the hell am I supposed to do? We never talked about having kids. Hell we barely just started our relationship. Oh my god what about my career? What if he leaves me?" Lena began ranting in a panicked voice.

"Calm down okay. First of all Roman would never leave you just because you're pregnant. He isn't that type of guy. Secondly, I see the way he looks at you okay. You two are made for each other so having a kid with him was bound to happen. You might have not wanted it to happen so soon but can you really plan pregnancy? As for your career, it will be there for you still after your pregnancy." Paige began rubbing Lena's back trying to comfort her.

Lena felt like she was gonna be sick and it was probably because she was pregnant. The timer went off on her phone and she slowly made her way to her bathroom. She picked up the sticks and turned them all over at the same time. She gasped and tears fell down her face. She turned towards Paige and with a small smile she muttered out...

"I'm pregnant."

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