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Delilah's POV
I'm low-key shooketh right now. Where the hell did Diego get that picture of me? Does he have more pictures of me? "So are you gonna tell me how he got that picture of you?"Gus asked while keeping his eyes on the road."Don't ask me, I didn't send him a shit." I instantly regret saying the last word. "Delilah watch your damn mouth. Next time I'll punish you since you don't want to obey me when I say not to curse."

I don't give a heck what he says I'll curse all I want. Not around him though, I don't want to get punished again."At this party you finna be at my side the whole time.You can dance and drink nonalcoholic drinks but, only dance with me and STRAIGHT girls." The fact that he's jealous of girls makes me laugh. "Whatchu got against lesbians?" I asked jokingly.

"They're cool I just don't want someone thinkin they can fuck you." He's always thinking that everyone I meet wants to get in my pants. I'm not that pretty...I don't know why he sticks around. It's not like he cares, he's just jealous. I replied to him with a small "Yeah okay."
As soon as I got out of the car I heard the music blasting. Gus took my hand and whispered in my ear "If I see you talking to any guy that ain't me imma beat their ass and choke the fuck outta you." I nodded in response.

Even though he told me not to talk to any guys that doesn't mean I'm not gonna talk to them. Imma get drink up and he can suck it. This place is huge, the lights are off and bright neon lights are everywhere. Gus let go of my hand and started to walk away. So like the great person I am, I walked towards the kitchen to get something to drink.

"Hey ma."I turned around to see Diego standing there with that famous smile of his. "Hello Diego." I said while smiling back at him. "Ya know I missed you ma."He said while grabbing my waist. "I know, but you know how Gus is."I replied. "Do you love him?" He asked while pulling me closer to his chest. "I dunno."I said while looking away."Well fuck him. Let's get fucked up ma."he said while handing me shots.

That's when everything went downhill

Me and Diego were dancing to some random song. Then I felt the urge to find Gus. "Diego I gotta go look fo my Gussyyyy"My words were kinda slurred."No you is minesss. Fuck him. Wait no don't fuck him. Fuck me"he sounded more fucked up than me.

I stopped dancing with Diego and started to look around for my Gussy. To my surprise Diego was right behind me. Let's have a look around shall we. I found a room the door was closed so I knocked. No answer so I opened the door and what I seen made me remember that I'm nothing to him. Gus was sitting on the bed getting his dick sucked by some hoe.

"What's in h-oh shit"Diego said while looking into the room."Oh shit. Baby wait." Gus said. While looking at me in shock."Baby? Who is your baby? Because it ain't me honey. You can suck it ya know what fuck you." I said while turning to Diego. I got an idea. I got close to Diego and I did what any heart broken girl would do.

I kissed Diego...

How was it?
Who do y'all ship?
Just wait till Angel hears about Malik😂
Bye my crispy bois😏👌🏽

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