( viii.) for you

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( viii.) for you
( real life )

" AND CUT ! "

louis and malina looked at each other , both tired from their scene they had just filmed. today was a day that was JAMMED PACKED with filming, no breaks, no stops, it was scene after scene.

" good job today presley! " louis smiled , kneeling down to the little girls height and giving her a high five, smiling at presley before she gave the older boy a hug. standing up , he watched as she walked away with her mother who he waved goodbye to.

" what do you mean she won't come out of the dressing room? "

louis turned to see , kora , hunter , and malina talking. faces with fear or concern, making louis curious to what they would be talking about.

kora turned to look at louis , then back at the two huddled around her , " should we tell louis? "

" tell me what ? " the british boy asked , his wide eyes bursted with curiosity.

" no , he has another scene in like twenty minutes , we shouldn't worry him. " hunter explained quietly , in hopes louis wouldn't hurt him.

" tell me what? " he asked once more , he felt nosey for asking so much , but the little thing seemed so important to the others he wanted to know.

the trio looked at louis , as he said once more , " tell me what? " he asked sternly this time.

avi approached the group , " where is she ? patrick is flipping ! we need to film this scene. "

" shush , keep your mouth quiet. we don't need anyone to know she's refusing to come out. "

" who? " louis asked, then he quickly put two and two together, " where is river? "

malina sighed, " she's refusing to come out of her dressing room. "  she blurted.

" MALINA! " hunter and kora yelled at her, giving her a death glare.

louis walked off , off from the group , they called his name to come back. instead of listening to them to come back , he went to find rivers dressing room.


louis looked around set , still trying to find rivers dressing room. passing by multiple cast and crew members , most stopped to ask the troubled boy what was on his mind. but for them it was a waste of their time due to louis ignoring them and walking right past them.

as he continued walking , something caught his eye. a group of cast and crew members were surrounding a door. louis walked to the swarm of people, trying to figure out the commotion.  he tapped, what looked to be , Dylans shoulder.

Dylan turned to face the brunette, "louis?" he questioned, " what are you doing here? "

" whats going on over here? '" louis asked the shorter boy, standing on his tippy toes in hopes to see over the crowd of loud people.

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