( xxviii.) same here

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( xxviii.) same here
( real life )

Running her hands through her hair, River Montgomery impatiently sat in the car drove by none other than Louis hynes. She began to play with her fingers as she watched out the window of the car. Usually in times like this, River would be bubbly, giggling along with Louis with her hair in the wind. But this time, was different for the two hanging out, this would be the last time they hung out together for filming. River would say she was disappointed in what was gonna happen but she knew the time would sooner or later run out.

Louis alongside the Montgomery girl was disappointed to see their time come to an end together, he admired the girl and really wished he could spend all hours of the days with her. She always brought him laughter and happiness, which he could get from anyone realy, but this type was different. It was special to him, she was special to him. River was his best friend after all this time, she completed him, she was his other half after all this time. Louis had always felt the constant need to take care of River, he had no clue why, but ever since the day he flew in from his meeting to get her out of her room, the boy always felt the need to be her caretaker and help her in any given situation. He didn't have to do it, but he took it as a responsibility.

River looked over at the boy, her eyes widened as she watched him grip the wheel tightly. She couldn't help but focus on the pain she was feeling in her stomach, it wasn't a cramp or a sharp pain from a bone. It was that feeling in your stomach when you are going up a roller-coaster and feel yourself getting higher and higher. She knew the excitement of hanging out with Louis over the course of these weeks were the climbing to the hill of the rollercoaster, but she was now at the peak, the top of the roller-coaster, which meant she had to come down and watch everything fall down.

"You okay Riv?" Louis asked, River snapped out of her haze, coming to a sudden realization that she had been staring at the boy, "You look tense."

River nodded as she pulled her hair back and wrapped a hairtie around it, putting it up in a ponytail, "I'm alright." She pulled her legs up and sat in a fetal position, burying herself in the hoodie Louis had given her prior to the car ride, she avoided eye contact with the boy to show her true mood. She didn't wanna burden her sadness upon the boy, she didn't want him to feel bad for the unusual mood she found herself in.

Louis examined the girls vehavoir, knowing something had been wrong with her, "You're lying to me." He knew she wasn't acting like herself, she was acting more distant. She would usually be able to look the boy in the eyes when she said she was fine, but this time cane around and she wouldnt take her eyes off the window.

"I'm fine. I promise." River tried to reassure the boy with a fake smile. The pits of her stomach were rumbling and her head was yelling at her when lying to the boy, she knew it wasn't right but still went along with it.

Louis stared over at the girl, parking the car in its spot. He decided to ignore it due to the fact that he wanted this last 'date' to be remembered as a good time and not a sad time. The only way he could do that, was to not talk about the stuff that made the girl upset, "We are here." He spoke softly, his hand reaching over to her hair, tucking a piece of hair behind her hair as she sat up in her seat.

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