( xxv.) always

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( xxv.) always
( real life )

River Montgomery had always envisioned herself living comfortable, by that, she had no exact ideas as to what type of comfortable she had meant. She would often times think about it being fincally, or  socially, maybe with a lot of friends or even with a little bit of money. By comfortable she had never envisioned her idea of comfort being with a person.

She lied in the arms of the one and only Louis Hynes, as they both lied on her living room couch, watching a marathon of old disney shows that had been playing on tv. The british boy had brought a whole bunch of candy & snacks to the young girls house, despite her telling him not to. As the morning went on, it slowly turned from afternoon to night, leaving the teens to just lay with each other all day.

Louis had to admit, after sitting for sometime he would get uncomfortable from the girl laying on top of him. But he would also admit, he wouldn't have it any other way.

"We didn't get anything from the list done today." River spoke quietly, she spoke into the boys chest as she yawned softly.

The realization hit Louis, he did in fact have an idea for what the two could've done that day, it just had slipped his mind and he realized why, "Actually I did have something in mind." He spoke, getting up from the position the two had been in.

The blonde moved from her posttion, now sitting up on the couch and watching the boy as he dug through the bags of candy in the plastic grocery bags, "What are you looking for?" River asked him, placing her hand on her face.

"Here it is."

River watched as the by turned around, getting on one knee and the sounds of a wrapper being opened, he looked as if he was trying to hold back a laugh.

Louis held out a ring pop to the young girl, "You said you wanted someone to propose to you with a ring pop as a joke, so, I thought i'd try it out." A chuckled escaped his mouth as he then kept a straight face, "So, River, will you take this ring pop as a promise ring?" He asked her.

"A promise for what?" She quirked an eyebrow as she sat back and tried her best to keep her laughter back.

"That you'll always be in my life."

The girl watched as the boy spoke with all seriousness when he spoke those very few words, a smile appeared on her face, "Of course Lou." She spoke softly, leaning over to hug the boy, "Always."

The two laughed, putting the ring pop onto Rivers ring finger. The rest of the night continued as it did earlier, watching the old Disney shows and eating snacks. But one thing had changed from earlier, the two had a gut feeling of unsureness, was everything from earlier a joke?

a / n ;
look at me updating and shitttt
also im gonna try finishing this book this week!

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