The Home Sick Wedding

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This is a story chapter where Jackson and Ramona are already together. That won't be for all of them though. BTW they're about 14-15 years.

Ramona's P.O.V
Jackson and I have been going out for a few months and we're now boyfriend and girlfriend. But of course, the rest of the house know.

We became a couple after Stephanie and Jimmy broke up (just go with it) and we started talking about how no matter what, our families never end up becoming related. It was a great day for me, but not for Stephanie.

I was sitting in the garden helping Max with feeding the chickens and watering the plants when we heard arguing coming from the kitchen.
"You never pay any attention to what you're actually doing!" One voice shouted.
"That's so immature of you!" The other voice screamed.
"Says the one who tried to fit a whole bear claw in their mouth!" Said the first voice.
I only knew one person who is extremely stupid enough to attempt to fit a whole bear claw in their mouth... Jimmy... my uncle.

I felt a bit bad for Max at a young age to hear couples fight. So I said that we should call it a day. To avoid having to listen to this on the way in, I went around to the front door to get in the living room. Max wanted to stay outside some more to finish up.

I went through the front door to find Jackson sitting on the couch looking annoyed for some reason. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Just the constant arguing between them two. It's getting really frustrating". He replied with a bit of anger in his voice.

"They've done this more than once?!" I asked in shock.
"Yeah! I was in the hall about to go downstairs when Aunt Steph came out of the bathroom with shaving cream all over her face whilst Jimmy was behind her laughing. She started screaming about how she had a big gig in one hour and it's taken her ages to do her makeup and hair. It's like they can't stand each other any more".

I sat down next to Jackson and we sat in silence for about 2 minutes until I said,"There's so many times that your family and my family have almost been related. It looks like another fail".

"Not exactly", he replied.
"What do you m-" I didn't get time to finish my sentence because the next thing I knew he turned my head around with his hand and kissed me! My eyes were open wide with shock. But I closed my eyes relatively quickly and kissed him back. We soon pulled apart with his hand still on the side of my face.
"So... ummm. Are we... a thing... now?" I asked scared of the answer

"I mean, yeah... if you want to that is". I can't believe what I was hearing. I never really had feelings for Jackson until this day. I mean, I knew that I felt a weird feeling when Lola kissed Jackson but I never thought for a second that it was jealousy.
"Of course! Cool!" I said a bit too excitedly.
But we then sat in silence again for a few minutes.

"Do you want to just kiss again?" He asked quickly.
"Yeah sure". Then straight away we turned and started kissing again. It was really crazy how only ten minutes ago I never even considered dating Jackson, but now I'm his girlfriend! We were both really close to each other but got interrupted by, can you guess who? ... my mom.

"Ooooo. What do we have here? A Gibbler and a Fuller kissing?" She teased.

"No!" We both said in unison.
"I've started videoing everything I do for Gibbler Style Party Planning advertisement to show that it a party every day in this house. And this is something I might've picked up on it".

Jamona One Shots (Jackson Fuller x Ramona Gibbler) Where stories live. Discover now