Regrets in Japan (Part 1)

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Ramona's P.O.V
He's coming! He's coming! He's really really coming! My true love Marius' band, Sexy Zone, are doing a world tour and they're visiting San Fransisco tomorrow! I'm so excited because I haven't seen him in 6 months since Japan.

All day I've been dancing around the house, but not like I usually do, I've twirling and spinning all over the place. I think everyone's getting annoyed with me because I'm also singing their songs over and over again.

As I dance into the kitchen I hear everybody groan. "Ramona, don't you think you're a little too excited about Marius visiting?" Stephanie asked. "Of course I'm not! He saved my life and I absolutely adore him for that!" I exclaimed.

Jackson mumbled something and then Max gaped his mouth wide open. "What is it, Max? Is something wrong? Jackson, what did you do?!" DJ asked and shouted at the same time. "What?! I didn't do anything!" He replied. "Yeah I doubt that".

"So where's Marius going to be sleeping tomorrow night?" I question.
"Oh we'll be getting the extra bed out and he can sleep in the boy's bedroom". DJ said.

"Whoa. No. That's not happening. Last time I had to bunk with someone, I ran away. This time, I'm committing a crime". He 'assured' us. "Then he can have your bed when you're rotting in prison". DJ said happily. "On second thought, maybe apologise to the lady across the street for getting her cat ill". He replied.

***time skip***

"He's here! Marius is right outside the door! Everyone act cool". I stood as naturally as I could, which for me meant awkwardly leaning sideways on the couch. There was a knock on the door and everyone shouted, "It's always open!" Marius walked into the house and I ran straight up to him and we hugged.

"I missed you so much!" I said excitedly. "I missed you too", he replied. My mom went up to us suspiciously. "So you're Marius, huh? I've heard a lot about you", the short stop in the middle of her sentence gave Jackson the time to say, "a bit too much if you ask me". Once again, Max stood there with his mouth wide open in shock. What's wrong with him?

"And I just wanted to say, thank you for saving my daughter's life", mom carried on.
"Mo-om, you're kinda embarrassing me", I said in a high pitched voice.
"Ra-mona, that's what moms do-oo", she mimicked me. How could she?

"It's okay", Marius assures, "I've got a mother like that too". He walked over to a grumpy looking Jackson slouched on the couch and said, "Hey. Long time, no see. What you done since then? ... Got yourself a girlfriend yet?"

"Well maybe you should keep your big nose out of other people's business", he replied in an angry tone, "Mom, how long did you say he's staying again?"

"A week", DJ answered, "Now how about you and Max show Marius to your room and whilst you're there, put the bed up as well". Jackson groaned with his head tilted back as he dragged his feet up the stairs, Marius following him. Oh how much I love him... Marius! Not Jackson...

Jackson's P.O.V
I hate Marius! I mean, I was alright with him at first, but that was before I fell in love with Ramona. I know what you're thinking right now, confession time. Yeah, no.

I set up the bed but put over on Max's side so I wouldn't have to look at him every time I go to my room.
"So you're clearly a fan of my band if you keep staring at me all of the time. Are you a fanboy or something?" Marius laughed.
"It's called glaring not staring, idiot". I replied, harshly.

"Jackson! I need to talk to you urgently!" A voice interrupted. I turned around to see Max standing at the doorway. "What do you want Max?" I asked.
"I'll tell you when you come outside".
"Fine. But if it's about your chickens eating my clothes again, you're paying for them".

We got put into the garden and the first thing he said was, "I heard".

"Heard what?"
"You in the kitchen".
"I don't know what you're talking about. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a lot of glaring to do". I was about to leave but he stopped me off my tracks from what he said next.

"Yeah at Marius because he saved Ramona's life and you didn't".
I turned around and was about to say 'how did he know about that' but he could've been testing me. So instead,
"I still don't know what you mean".

"Sure you do. Ramona said something about her adoring him for saving his life and you mumbled, and I quote, 'I wish I was the one who saved your life'. I prove my point".
I had nothing. I had to give up.

I ran up to Max and put my hand over his mouth to keep him quiet. "I can't tell anyone about that, okay?" I forcefully asked him. Looking like he was in fear, he nodded his head and I let go.
"Why do your hand taste like Oreos?" He asked disgustingly.
"Because I had Oreos. Is that a crime now?" He just stood there. "I thought not".

Jamona One Shots (Jackson Fuller x Ramona Gibbler) Where stories live. Discover now