The Not-So-Secret-Diary

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Jackson's P.O.V
Ugh!!! I've been in my room trying to finish my chemistry homework (or at least start it) and I can't find any of the stupid answers. I can't get another detention because in the last one, I almost died because a book went flying right past my head that someone tried to throw at me!

"Hey Max? You're a smart kid, right?" I asked him whilst he came over to my desk.
"Yeah. I guess you could say so. I say so all the time" he said smugly.
"Great thanks. Do you know what potassium reacts more violently than calcium?" I asked with my fingers practically crossed that he knew the answer.

"What does it look like I am? The internet? The smarts I know about are languages, cleaning and anything to do with it". He replied.
"Ugh! What am I suppose to do then?" I dramatically asked myself.
"How about read for a change?" He rudely remarked.

All of a sudden, Max's head popped up like he had an idea. "Isn't Ramona in your chemistry class? Can't she always help you with it. But she might be in dance class though", he suggested.

"No! That's a perfect plan! Thanks little bro", I thanked him. "Any time, I guess" he replied.

I walked over to Ramona's room and walked in not bothering to knock. But no one was there so I looked at her calendar on the wall and it turns out she was at dance class. Yeah, Max was right. I'll just ask her when she gets back, if she does that is.

I turned to the door to leave but saw that the desk light was still on. I went to turn it off but got caught off guard on what was underneath the light. It was a book. And it was open.

I mean, there was no harm in reading it. Max did tell me to read a book. And this was a book. So I decided to sit down and lift the book up and skip the first page. It read:

Dear Diary (well it's not exactly a diary cause that sounds really childish),

It's been an awful day today. I got told that I had to move in with the Fullers! The Fullers!!! One of whom include by number one enemy... Jackson. I mean, yeah, I did technically ruin his 6th birthday party, but what did he expect? I'm a Gibbler.

Also, to make it worse, I have to move in TOMORROW!!! I don't want to move. It means that I'm leaving my school, friends, papa. I knew this day would come at some point, but not now! Well, I gotta get some sleep. I must be crazy if I'm talking to a stupid book like it's a person.

This is her diary?! Wow this is the best book I've ever read. And the only one. I've gotta read the next one.

Dear Diary,

I guess living with the Fullers isn't so bad. I got Jackson's bedroom and he had to move in with Max. I know that taking his bedroom was really the only way that I would be able to actually breath but I do feel quite bad though. He ran away for God's sake! I never thought that I would feel guilty for this.

I've just realised that I'm only talking about Jackson in this book. I'll talk about my new friend Lola. She's really nice, and also a dancer, like me. But I've got a feeling that I won't see her much because Jackson has a crush on her... I might actually lose two of my friends. OMG! I just called Jackson my friend. I guess he is when you think about it. He helped me attempt to escape school. That took guts.

Whoa. I didn't know that Ramona felt like she was going to lose the friendship that we have. I probably have been ignoring Ramona because Lola was here. Great! Now I feel guilty.

Jamona One Shots (Jackson Fuller x Ramona Gibbler) Where stories live. Discover now