Regrets in Japan (Part 2)

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Ramona's P.O.V
3 days. 3 amazing days spent entirely with Marius! The first days we did movie marathons and I showed him some famous American movies because he's really just used to the Japanese ones. On day 2 I took him to laser tag. I think he loved it. And on the 3rd day, we went bowling.

Also, every day, I've been to Sexy Zone's rehearsal and concert at night. But tomorrow, Marius said that he wants to rest. I think it's from all of the rehearsals and concerts. I'm just excited that he's back.

DJ was at work, mom and Stephanie were planning this party for a 6 year old, Max was upstairs probably doing homework and Jackson was probably reading a comic or something. Of course, Marius was also upstairs getting some rest. Now I'm just a loner.

Jackson's P.O.V
All I was doing was reading my comic. I told myself to stay out of the way of Ramona and Marius. But I still hated him. I couldn't concentrate with Max practising his speech for his English class about a book I'd never heard. I don't read books.

"Do you mind?! I'm trying to read here!" I shouted.
"You're not reading. There's only pictures in that comic". He replied.
"Well I'm reading the pictures then", I said sarcastically.
Then all of a sudden, Marius came in panting and limping. He limped over to his bed and fell face first on it. "Is he okay?" Max asked me, so I just shrugged.

He only just had the energy to turn around. "I... have... been out and about... all day... and Ramona is driving me crazy! All she wants to do is spend time with me. It's so annoying" he complained.

Whoa. She's not that bad. "Well, she hasn't seen you in 6 months. Next time it might be much longer!" I snapped. "Whoa, what's with all of the shouting? If I don't get rest I won't be able to perform tonight. Keep up!" He was really getting on my nerves now.

"And if you both keep on talking, I won't be able to get another A on my English project!" Max interrupted. Both of our attention landed on him. "Stop talking! Please", he then said.

But I had a better idea.

"Why don't we argue in the hallway then? Is that okay for you Max?" I asked him but still glaring at Marius.
"Yeah, I can settle for that. As long as I have quiet". Marius and I walked out into the hall and immediately started shouting at each other.

Ramona's P.O.V
Since there was absolutely nothing to do, I thought it would be a good idea to head upstairs to practise my dance for the school team. But then I heard shouting from the hall. Of course, being a Gibbler, decided to eavesdrop.

One voice, which was clearly Jackson's said, "It's not her fault that you don't see her enough with all your important work in Japan! You don't even text her any more!"
Wait... was Jackson... sticking up for me?!?!?! But against who?

"Well maybe if I'd actually got some sleep, everything would be fine! She's crazy and too clingy!" Oh. Now I know who the other person was. Marius. My boyfriend. Soon to be ex.

I knew that it would be a bad time to walk in on the argument so I decided to just listen in on it instead. "If you don't want to be with her, just break up with her then".

"I can't 'cause then I won't have a date the party after Sexy Zone have completed San Fransisco!" Marius yelled.

"Just wait until I tell her. She deserves to know". Jackson declared. Why do they keep referring to me as 'her' or 'she'? What's wrong with using Ramona?
"Well you aren't gonna tell Ramona unless you want your little secret out?"

"What secret? I don't have a secret!" Jackson cried.
"So you wouldn't mind if she found that you had a crush on her then?" Marius blackmailed Jackson. Wait a minute. He blackmailed him because he has a crush on me? Whoa.

I can't believe all this time he like liked me.

"So we have a deal. She's not gonna find out about your crush and she is definitely not going to find out about my need to leave". Right, that was it! I was going to go out there and... I don't know. Just see how it goes?

I opened the door and both of them looked at me. "She already knows. No need to keep your deal. Now get out Marius!" I was on fire! But hurting so much.
"I'll happily leave. I'll just invite my friend's sister instead". And with that, he left. Forever.

Jackson walked over to me and put his arm around me. "Are you alright?" He comforted. "It was for the best". I replied.

"Plus, I can take advantage of your secret". I continued.
"Look, about that. You don't have to-" he was cut of by me. Well, my lips. Against his. I've realised in them few minutes that he's always stood up for me. He's always been there when I needed him the most, he's more than just a friend.

I parted from his shocked but relaxed face and I said, "Thank you for sticking up for me".
"Any time".

Jamona One Shots (Jackson Fuller x Ramona Gibbler) Where stories live. Discover now