Human Interaction

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No one's P.O.V.
It was a quiet morning in the fuller household. Jackson, Ramona, Kimmy and Max were sitting on the couch looking at their electronic devises. Stephanie was out somewhere (probably waking up in the middle of the street from getting drunk the night before), and DJ was doing household errands. What an eventful morning.
DJ walked in holding a washing basket; it had a filthy mess of clothes stacked inside and it was barely visible to see her face.

"Will someone help me with this? You're all just sitting there on your phones", she said with some hope in her voice, "Not even you Max?"
"I'm sorry mom. But the plants need watering", he replied.
"You're not even outside".
Kimmy butted into the conversation like she usually does. "He means on this updated game called Harvest Moon. It's pretty old but very addictive".
"I honestly don't know why you waste your time on stupid games like that when you can chat to your friends on Instagram and messenger", Ramona countered, "so much more fun".
"What is everyone's problem? We've only had mobile phones around for about 25 years. Now we're all glued to them", yelled DJ, "Well enough is enough. Give me your phones".
"Are you crazy woman?! No!" Jackson cried.

DJ's face of disbelief and caution scared Jackson into giving her his phone. This was later repeated with Ramona, Kimmy and Max.

"But what do we do for the rest of the weekend?" Max asked.
"Well instead of playing on an imaginary farm, how about sorting out the one in the garden?"
DJ replied. "Kimmy, you can help me with the laundry, and you two can do your homework. You can't hide homework in your bed and expect me not to find it. Need to be a lot smarter than that." She went on and on but Ramona and Jackson had already got their iPads out and ignoring her.

"Give it. Now", she ordered, "homework time. It'll be fun. It is when you have a study buddy". When she left, the two teenagers scowled at one another and Ramona went upstairs to do her homework.

Ramona's P.O.V.
Ugh! I hate not having my phone. I can't do anything without a calculator and who has a normal one nowadays? I needed my phone! Once I'd just about finished, I went downstairs to see how Jackson was getting on. As much as I despise him I don't want to see him go crazy without his phone. It's happened before. Not pretty. However he was coping... in his own way.

I caught him staring wide eyed at the blank screen that was the tv. "What're you looking at?" I asked.
"The tv. I'm imagining my favourite show is on."
"Well that's not weird at all." He's losing it.
"How about communication for once?" I suggested sarcastically.
"Can't. I don't have my phone so I can't text you. I don't think I even have your number", he responded. I thought about it for a moment. I don't think I have his number. I probably have like 6 million contacts and not one of them is him. "What's your number then?" I said with curiosity.

"12345678910. How will you remember it? The notes app can't come to life." Jackson said... stupidly.
"It's obvious".
"Of course it is", he declared, "you just have to make money and secretly buy a second phone!"
"Exactly!" I say enthusiastically, "I'm sure it'll be easy. Now how are we gonna make money?"

We sat there for what felt like hours sitting on the couch trying to think of ideas. I went to check my phone to see how long we'd been sitting here but I remembered that I didn't have it... But finally, Jackson came up with an idea. A good one actually.

"We could sell our stuff!" He suggested.
"That's a great idea! But is it really worth it when we might not even get enough for a phone? And it is only for a phone number." I begun to doubt myself because maybe DJ's right. The whole world is slowly being controlled by their mobile phones and electronic devises. They're becoming our best friends and we don't even know it. Should I be worried about what might happen if I get this second phone?

Jamona One Shots (Jackson Fuller x Ramona Gibbler) Where stories live. Discover now