Max's Nightmares

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Jackson's P.O.V
I was sleeping peacefully in my bed dreaming big things like about the girl I have a crush on. I'd rather not say because I know that I'd get made fun of.

Then I heard sudden screaming. "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Max screamed in his sleep, "Stop fighting! Help!" I immediately got out of bed but it was too dark to see everything on the floor and ended up tripping over.

When I finally got up, I saw Ramona rushing into the bedroom so we both ran over to Max and woke him up. He jolted up after a few times calling his name. "Max, you had a nightmare. Are you okay?" Ramona asked concerned.
"I'm fine. I had a nightmare about you two physically fighting... please tell me that it will never come true?" He pleaded.

"Max, you know me Ramona are really good friends. We would never fight. We might argue but never fight". I answered.
"That's true. And if you really don't believe me, I'll tell you something in the morning", She also replied, "Do you want both of us to stay here with you for the rest of the night so you won't have the nightmare again?"

"Yes please". He said. Ramona stood up and said, "I'll just go and get my blanket and pillow".

"Wait - you can borrow mine if you want". I offered.
"Uh yeah! That'd be great if you don't mind though".
"Of course not. No problem". I walked over to my bed and grabbed the blanket from the top.

The other day, we put a mini couch in front of my bed instead of the box so we brought it over to Max's side and sat down. Ramona and I wanted to be as close as we could to Max so we were there if he needed us. That means that us two were close as well.

Because I was so tired, I closed my eyes and I think Ramona thought I was asleep because I then heard the weirdest conversation.

This font is for Ramona talking.
This font is for Max talking.

"Okay. I think Jackson's asleep. Can you tell me what you were going to say in the morning?"
"Well I guess at this time, it is the morning. So why not".
"I already think I know what the secret is".
"Oh yeah? I highly doubt that. What do you think it is then?"
"That you have a crush on Jackson".
"... and... um... uh... what makes you say that?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"Was I that obvious?!"
"No but you just admitted it. So it is true".
"Okay, yeah. Maybe I do have a crush on your brother. But you cannot tell him".
"Don't worry. It looks like he already knows".

Ramona turns around and I'm just sitting here listening to their conversation. "Oh god! Please forget I ever said any of that. It's so embarrassing". She pleaded. "There's nothing to be ashamed of. The ladies love Action Jackson". I joked.

About 10 minutes has passed and Max was finally asleep. I glanced at Ramona who (at the same time) glancing at me. "You know, one day, you'll be a great mom", I whispered. She sweetly smiled slightly and glanced again.
"You'll be a great dad as well",she replied.

"Just so you know, I have a crush on you too", I blurted out. Her face was frozen. "W-wait. Seriously?" Ramona stuttered. "Of course I am". Then extremely slowly, we both leant in. About 10 seconds we were very close. Except... "Just kiss already!" Max shouted. "I thought you were asleep". I questioned.
"I have a very convincing fake sleep", he replied,"... so are you going to kiss yet or not?"

Me and Ramona leant in again but our lips touched quicker than last time. I felt really comfortable kissing Ramona, even if at one point we hated each other, I love her deeply now. We parted and what I said was, "Well goodnight then!" Then I put my arm around her and soon we both went to sleep.

That was a night that I would never be able to forget.

Jamona One Shots (Jackson Fuller x Ramona Gibbler) Where stories live. Discover now