Jackson Drunk Again

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Jackson's P.O.V.
"Please can you let us go! This is gonna be the party of the century!" I begged my mom to let Ramona and I go to this guy Liam's house party.
"I don't know. You know what happened last time. I just can't risk you getting drunk again". She replied.

"Come on DJ, the kid's gotta party", at least Stephanie tried to help.
"You're the one to speak, the first house party you went to was a make out party", mom owned.
"But it won't be even near a make out party. They have the lights completely out and all you can hear are faint kiddy noises... I mean... like I'd know." Ramona interrupted. And when did she go to a make out party?!

"Kimmy are you not going to say anything about this? She's obviously been to a make out party behind you're back!"
"Deej, I gave her permission to go to that. I drove her there. I went to my first make out party when I was her age".

"But this isn't a make out party!" I shouted. "And who did you make out with? Curiosity."



"Anyway", the attention drew to mom, "I guess you can go but please remember the rules: No drinking, no smoking, no fighting, stay safe and don't do drugs".
"Thank you so much!"
"Know that if you need to get in touch with anyone, I'm here and Fernando is in the living room so you can call him if you can't reach me". She said.

"Awesome!" Ramona exclaimed "Should we leave now before they think about all the bad things that could happen?"

"Uuuuuhhh... what other bad things could there be?" Mom questioned.
"Nothing. I think you've listed everything. Let's leave now".

Me and Ramona left pretty quickly out the back door and headed towards Liam's house. To be honest, I've never actually talked to him before but I know Ramona has.
"So Ramona, what's Liam like then?"

"I don't think it really matters. You're not gonna meet him anyway, it's a party. Why'd you wanna know?"
"Everything for you is curiosity recently".

We reach the house and already there's at least 100 people that we can see. One of them comes up to us who I recognise extremely well. "Nugs?" I yelled overly excited. "Oh, hey Jackson".

"What's wrong with you?" I urge. He tuts at my comment and turns away from me like a grumpy teenager. Which he is. "Everything's been different since you left us for some Jocks!"

"Look, it wasn't my fault. I got into the football team and I had to spend almost all week with them and I grown to like them".

"Whatever Jackson. I'll tell Mankowski and Gene that I saw you". And just like that he was gone. "Bye Nugs!"

"Awkward" Ramona said in a high pitched voice.
"Whatever. I'm gonna see if Golden Toe's here." I left Ramona standing there to push people in the house to find my mate.

Ramona's P.O.V.
Well the Nugs situation was random. Jackson leaving me was normal. I wonder if Ashlyn's here. She's bound to be. There's so many people here.
Out the front there were loads of people talking, dancing and drinking. Alcohol. Jackson better stick to his promise.

After searching the entire house, I decided that Ashlyn wasn't here so I squeezed my way through the crowd to get to the living room where Jackson was.

"Coming through people! Watch them hands!" I called. That felt awkward. Very very awkward.
"Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!" And there I saw him, with about 5 empty vodka shots beside him and downing his sixth, Jackson.

Jamona One Shots (Jackson Fuller x Ramona Gibbler) Where stories live. Discover now