Trust Issues

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Jackson's P.O.V.
This was going to be the day. The day I tell Ramona how I feel about her. I know it sounds a little cringy but I actually love Ramona and I know she likes me. It's obvious.

She's never usually the girl to blush but every time I talk to her she does. Don't worry though, I'm not gonna tell just on that information. I heard her on the phone to one of her friends saying how cute I am.

I quote: "Yeah, I really like Jackson... I don't know I find it kinda cute... Come on, how can you not like Jackson?"

I don't think she knew that I was home. She said it pretty loud with her door open. I guess I'm feeling a bit more confident with my chances on her even more than I was before.

I know that she's just got out of a relationship with Popko so I don't want it to seem like I'm just using that to reel her in because I'm not. I really do like her.

Today's Thanksgiving so I'll tell her when we're all talking in the living room. Or outside because we've done that before. It was freezing!
Outside? At night? In winter? Nu-uh. No way is that happening again.

I travelled my way down stairs and into the kitchen where I was greeted by the whole household eating breakfast. We usually have a sweet start to the day on thanksgiving so in the middle of the table was a pile of pancakes. Okay, that was a lie. We never usually have a 'sweet start' to the day. But I'll take it.

"Happy Thanksgiving Jackson!" My mom said enthusiastically. She gets way too excited for these festive holidays. I mean they're not that important to get so excited about. But I'm not complaining because I get pancakes out of it.

I sat next to Max and Ramona who has already tucked into breakfast. I didn't blame them for not waiting considering everything that was laid out on the table. There was chocolate sauce, strawberry sauce, syrup, butter, lemon juice, marshmallows, bacon and fruit.

I wasn't too bothered about the last one. I'd rather make the most out of this unhealthy breakfast opportunity.

Everyone was talking to themselves and all I was focused on were these delicious pancakes. They were so sweet. Almost as sweet as Ramona.

Oh..... too cheesy. Not the pancakes. What I just said was way too cheesy.

"So what are your plans for tonight then, Jackson?" I turned my head to see Ramona eating and looking at me for an answer.

This font is for Jackson.
This font is for Ramona.
(Long time since I've used this)

"Nothing much. It's a family holiday, what else would I be doing?"
"Fine. No need to get snarky with me. It was just a question".
"Whatever. The house is going to be packed. I'm inviting some friends over tonight. You know, the ones that don't spend time with their family enough to care about thanksgiving".
"That's really sad. Wait! I've invited friends over as well!"
"How many people is that? How many have you got?"
"2 friends. Lola and Rocky".
"Rocky?! And Lola?! Action Jackson is gonna have to disappoint quite a lot of ladies tonight".
"You're so weird. You should really stop being full of yourself all the time. Maybe someone might like you then".

Wow that surprisingly hurt. I'm guessing that she doesn't like me. But that can't be! I heard her. I suppose I gotta cut down on the cockiness before tonight.

"So that's Lola, Rocky, Popko, Mankowski, Mom, Steph, Kimmy, Jimmy, Fernando, Steve, Grandpa Danny, Jesse, Becky, Nicky, Alex, Pamela, Joey, Laura, Their four freakish kids, Me, You, Max And Tommy. That's 26. A lot of people".
"You're telling me. Do you think we have enough space for everyone here? Cause I ain't taking them devil kids again".
"No........ not again........"
"Just ask your mom".

Jamona One Shots (Jackson Fuller x Ramona Gibbler) Where stories live. Discover now