Tutoring Troubles

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Jackson's P.O.V.
We got our reports today and I'm freaking out because I know that I'll pretty much have all Fs. What am I going to do?!

I sit on the couch and take the letter out. I didn't dare open in yet. I didn't want to see those smug looks on the teacher's faces, with satisfaction that I'm too stupid.

I rip open the letter and hold the report in front of me. I can't seem to open my eyes.

"Hey Jackson, what you got there?" I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn my head to see Ramona looking cluelessly at my open report.

I then see her face turn to shock and I just know that my grades are terrible.
"Whoa... your report card... " she starts.

"Yeah yeah. I know, they're bad but could at least cut me some sla- "
I looked at my report card and saw...

... the best damn grades I've ever gotten! I couldn't believe it. All were either As or Bs.

How did I do that? Well obviously I'm a genius and has super smarts.

"Wow my grades are awesome!" I said excitedly.
"They're better than mine... "
A few seconds later I heard loud foot stomps thudding down the stairs.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Jackson got better grades than Ramona?!"

It was Max. I'm pretty sure the whole house heard what he said cause soon enough everyone was gathered in the living room having known the news.

"Aww my Jackson got good grades?" my mom awed as she embraced me in a tight hug, "you didn't cheat, did you?"

"No mom, I really didn't this time" I say cheerily.

"Wait, this time?"

"Hey Max, how do you feel that you have a smart older brother?" I ask Max ignoring her slight anger.

"I'm... I'm shook" he replies staring at a blank wall.

I strutted over to the stairs and turned towards everyone as they looked at me waiting for me to speak. "I'm going up to my room to study, but you know, not like I need it of course".

And just like that, I waltzed up the stairs to my room.

Ramona's P.O.V.
I can't believe it. He... got better grades than me. I got A's, mostly B's and C's. There's no way this could be right, but he seemed so surprised and happy. That'd be an A in drama right there.

I just don't want to be seen as the stupid one. I got good grades, I should be proud, but Jackson got better.

Oh god is this what jealousy is? I don't like it. I flop onto the couch still in absolute shock when my mom says "Hey Ramona, you could learn a few things from Jackson. Why know let him tutor you?"

My eyes couldn't widen anymore. Too... much... shock...

"You're not doing incredibly well in catering and I need you to take over the business when I become old" she adds.

"Jackson tutoring me in catering?" I ask, "No. way. I once saw him try to crack a rubber egg".

"Just go upstairs and ask him or I will", mom told me. I groaned and dragged myself up the stairs into Jackson and Max's room to find Jackson 'reading'.

"Reading the pictures again?" I ask him, knowing the answer. "No actually, I'm reading the little tab thing and the speech bubbles this time. Anyway, what do you want? I'm busy".

"My mom is..." I sigh, "making me ask you if you'd tutor me in catering". I mumbled the last part and avoided eye contact with him cause he's probably gonna act all-

Jamona One Shots (Jackson Fuller x Ramona Gibbler) Where stories live. Discover now