The Pranking War

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Ramona's P.O.V
Oh Jackson's going down! He's started a prank war and I'm going to end it! Let me take you back to a few minutes ago.


Bored out of my mind, I go downstairs to see if anyone's there so I could talk. That's why I hate Sundays. As I come down the stairs and reach the bottom step, I saw someone jump from under the stairway and throw a whole bucket of freezing cold water all over me.

I was soaking! I was lucky not to have my phone in my hands. I soon adjusted my eyes to the water surrounding them and saw a shocked but laughing Jackson about three feet away. But of course, no one was as shocked as me.

"What the heck Jackson?!?!?!" I shouted.
"Sorry, I thought you were Max. But to be honest, this is much more funny!" He continued to laugh and I grew angrier.

"¡Eso es! ¡Ya lo comenzaste, Jackson! ¡Que comience la broma de la guerra! Solo espera hasta que consiga mi venganza. no lo verás venir!" Then he just stood there confused. But I felt smug creep up on me.

End of flashback

And that's why I'm gonna get him back for what he did. I ran to my room to grab a towel to dry off and some clothes to change into. But doing all this gave me a great idea for a prank to pull on Jackson.

I left quietly to Jackson and Max's room, knowing that both of them aren't there. So I crept over to Max's printer and printed off 600 pictures of Jackson. With them, I went through four glue sticks to stick the pictures of him absolutely everywhere on his side of the room of course.

Walking down the stairs smugly, I said, "Hey, Jackson! Don't you think that you're a bit self absorbed?" He looked at me confused. "What do you mean? What have you done?"

"What? Me? I haven't done anything!" I get I was kinda picking on him a little bit.

"Yeah right. I'm going to my room". He walked past me and didn't take another glance off me. I don't think that really paid off though because he fell over on the bottom step and I giggled to myself a little. A few seconds later, waiting for him to say something about what he's found in his room, he finally said something. "RAMONA!" Oh yeah! Did I mention that I was waiting for him to say that?

***time skip***

The next day was almost exactly the same. Jackson pranked me by TP-ing my bedroom and then covering the floor with balloons. So I pranked him by taping an air horn to the back of the door so when he opened the door he screamed like girl! It kinda looked like this:

 So I pranked him by taping an air horn to the back of the door so when he opened the door he screamed like girl! It kinda looked like this:

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But that's when the pranks started to get out of control.

I was walking through the school hall and I noticed that the janitor's closet was open. It's never open. I was too scared to look inside but I knew I had to. For some crazy reason, I thought that this was a prank and that's why I was afraid. But when I looked in... it was exactly what I thought.

A bucket full of honey was poured on me and a fan turned on blowing loads of feathers on me sticking to my body. Just great.

Then out of nowhere, Jackson jumped in front of me and shouted, "PRANKED YA!" I was so furious that I didn't know how to react so I just frowned and stormed away from a laughing Jackson.
I was gonna get him back good for this.

So I turned around and said, "Well of course Lola isn't gonna like you now!" This was going to work.
"What do you mean?" He was actually falling for it.
"I thought you knew that Lola only likes guys who are nice to her friends? And when she sees this, you've got no chance!" I was smirking inside.

"Well just wait until we get home..." The smirk dropped.

When we got back home, I was in a rush to get to my room but I was way too hungry to go there first. I didn't get my lunch! Guess who's fault that was.

And when I got to my room and closed the door shut, I turned around and the next thing I knew I was hanging from the ceiling by a rope attached to my right ankle and it to be in pain.
"Haha! Gotcha again!" Someone shouted but I wasn't looking at them. I was too busy wincing at my ankle.

"Ow ow ow ow! My anlkle! It hurts so damn much!!!" I screamed.
Then I heard who I think was DJ coming through the door. "Ramona? Oh my lanta! What happened?! Jackson!"

"Okay, I admit, this one was me. But can we please focus on the injured one here?!" He generously offered.
"Come on. Let's get you to the hospital. KIMMY! Quick! Your daughter's in death defying pain!"

"Actually it's just my ankle!" I said.

"I know but this is a good time for Kimmy to forget that I owe her $20". DJ was so ignorant there. Everything after that was quite blurry. Well either that or there was something in my eye.

Only DJ, mom and Jackson were at home at the time so they were the only ones at the hospital. When we got there, the doctor gave an X-ray scan and it was severely broken so had to have a minor operation and stitches.

They gave me the option to either have no feeling in my foot and see the operation or be under anaesthetic for the whole thing. I chose the second one because surgery makes me wretch.
I woke up to see the same people who took me here, still here. Jackson looked annoyed, DJ weirdly looked concerned and mom was on the phone completely ignoring the fact that I had just woken up from an operation.

"Uh hi. I'm awake now", trying to get some attention.
"Oh I'm so sorry Ramona. I was just talking to Jackson and he offered to help you around the house until you can forgive him".
"Does that mean you forced him to? Because I'm totally okay with that", I liked this.
DJ replied with "Now that's none of your business but the point is this could be a good chore opportunity".

When we got home I had to walk in on crutches because the doctors said in had to be on them for at least 3 weeks.

"So I think I'll start off with a tomato and mint salad and then a strawberry and mango smoothie with an orange slice on the glass and one of those mini umbrellas that make it look like a cocktail." I had to make this moment last because something like this could never happen again.

"I'm not your slave" Jackson said, "If you want something with that much detail then you should get it yourself".
"Remember that you're the one that did this to my ankle."

"I'm not going to do that!"
Then DJ got involved.
"Jackson if you don't do what she wants then I'm going to ground you for another 2 weeks."

He was so annoyed. "Another? I didn't even know I was grounded. Well that ain't gonna happen. There's a party that I'm invited to in 2 months. The best party of the year. I can do anything she wants".

"I'd like to see you try Jackson. You couldn't even go through the first task I have for you." I said with a sassy tone.
"Try me".
"Ok then. Ummm.......... I can't believe I'm doing this".
"Doing what?"
"Kiss me if you think you can handle it".

His face was in pure utter shock. I had the biggest smirk on my face that I couldn't keep in the laugh. I knew that I had beaten him.

Except... when I opened my eyes he was right next to me and quickly put his lips on mine whilst grabbing my waist. I guess I was surprised at first but lingered in the kiss.

"Well I guess you can handle it. Congratulations Jackson".
"Just shut up, you know you want to kiss me too".
"Well if I don't have an order then I can't do anything".
"Fine. Kiss me again."
"Well if you say so".

What a weirdo. But he's a cute weirdo.

Jamona One Shots (Jackson Fuller x Ramona Gibbler) Where stories live. Discover now