Respect me when I'm ill

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Jackson's P.O.V.

I wake up with a pounding headache and I could barely open my eyes, they hurt so damn much. I groan and try to turn my body to get out of bed but my body wont allow me, is this what being hungover feels like?

Wait a minute... I didn't drink anything last night. What's happening then?! Oh god, I need help. I wonder if anyone can hear me in my thoughts.

Heeeeelp! Someooooone! Anyooooone? .....please?

Am I even talking right now? I have no idea. I just need to reach out. Find someone.

"Ah!", someone screams, "Jackson get your dirty hands off me!"

The sudden voice got me to open my eyes and that's when I saw Ramona kneeling by the side of my bed and my right hand was resting on her head. "Uh... Good morning" she says.

"What do you want?" I ask her sickly.

"What do I want? What do you want? You're the one who was calling for help, and may I just say, you really don't look like you need it"

"Oh yeah", I remember, "I'm ill. Very very ill. Get help. Actually no, it's too late for me. Save yourself!" She has no idea how horribly painful my headache is. I feel sick. So sick.

"So that's why you're so pale? I thought it was just the fact that you haven't been outside in days. Open the drapes, get some sunlight in". She walks over to the window and violently pulls the drapes open and a burst of sun shot in which started to make my stomach churn like it was turning over and over again.

I suddenly felt even more sick than I did and found myself racing out of bed and running towards the bathroom to spill my guts out. When I stood up though, my head started spinning and I struggled to walk straight.

However, I somehow managed to be sick and make it back to my bed in time before I felt like fainting.

I'm about 99.9% sure that I'm ill.

"Wow... you are ill", Ramona says a little bit shocked actually, "I-I'll go and get DJ. Just hang in there". And she quickly rushed out the room to hopefully get mom.

Why was she suddenly being so nice? I thought she hated me. I hate her as well. That's how this friendship works. We despise each other, it's our thing.

A few moments later, mom slams the door open and rushes to my side. "Jackson! Oh my baby! Are you okay?!"

I groan at her loud voice echoing in my ear. "Oh I'm so sorry" she says.

"Mommy?" I ask her wearily. "Yes dear?"

"Could I have one of your hot chocolates?" I ask as cutely as I could. "Oh... Jackson... I really wish I could but I'm already late for work and I know I have so many appointments today. Umm... Oh, Ramona! Do you think you could look after him for me? I'll tell the school you're both ill. I just can't really leave him on his own".

Wait what? Nooooooo! I'm really ill but I don't want Ramona to help me, she'll do something horrible like put worms in my bed or dirt in my hot chocolate.

"Of course Deej, anything to help my dearest friend", Ramona suspiciously says, but I'm too sick to care actually. I just need help.

"Oh thank you so much! Right, I have to go and Jackson, please get better", and with that, she left.

"Right", I said, "the first thing you can do for me is go and get me an ice cream sundae in one of those big bowls with all the whipped cream and sprinkles you can find."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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