Fake dating

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Jackson's P.O.V.
"Ugh!!! Why does life always have to suck?"
I flopped onto the couch taking up all of the room and stared at the ceiling.
"Are you ok?" Ramona asked me sitting on the arm chair.
"It's just I don't know what to do anymore".
"And how does that make you feel?" She asked me.

"I don't know how I feel. On one hand I want her to be happy. But on the other hand, I want to be happy!" It's so annoying!
"Okay I'm all out of questions. What's going on?"

"You see, Rocki's got a new boyfriend. And the worst thing is, it's Popko! One of my best friends!" I ranted.

"He's... What?" Ramona asked stuttering looking as if she might cry at any minute.
"Did you not know he's got a girlfriend. Because you really shouldn't be jealous-" I said but she cut me off. "It's not that. It's because he's suppose to be dating me..."

"Look, I know you might feel that way but you just have to move on." I don't see why she's so upset by this.
"You're such an idiot Jackson," I'm a what now? "That's not what I meant. He is dating me. He's cheating on me..."

Okay now I do feel stupid. Why would he do something like that? He's done so many horrible things to her and he's manipulated her into taking him back. Then she sprung from the chair and bolted past me up the stairs and when I lost sight, there was a loud slam which must've been her bedroom door. This is the last time he does this to her.

I rushed up to her bedroom and knocked on the door. "Go away! I don't want to talk to anyone right now!" Ramona shouted with hurt in her voice. I could hear faint sobs afterwards which clearly said to me that she was upset.
"Look, I have an idea", I said, "What if we fake date?"

The sobbing stopped and small footsteps were prodding towards the other side of the door. There was silence for a few seconds which I'm expecting to be her wiping her eyes to make it seem like she hasn't been crying. It didn't work. When Ramona opened the door she put on an obvious fake smile with eyes as red and puffy as if she's just had an allergic reaction.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.
"What I mean is", I said smugly, "we fake date and hang out somewhere where they are and both of them will be jealous, especially if we're together".

She stood there a minute thinking it over and I was bored. It's either yes or no.

She finally responded. "Fine, I'll do it. But the most I'll go for showing affection is hand holding for 10 seconds tops!"
"Ok. I really don't care".

Ramona got herself sorted and we kept checking our phones for updates on Popko and Rocki.
"Jackson! I've found something!" She showed me her phone with a picture of them at Jamba Juice. It had the caption 'Great fun at Jamba Juice with this one. She puts the puts the same in insane! 🥰🤩🤪🎩🧢#HATtrick date'

We both slowly looked up from the phone and faced each other.
"They're at Jamba Juice. Let's go!" I said and rushed to the door.

Ramona's P.O.V.
When we got there and I finally caught up with Jackson, he was staring into the window and I immediately knew who he was watching. I then grabbed his arm and dragged him inside just so he wouldn't look like a stalker.

We sat sat down and talked about what we were going to do to get their attention.

"Maybe I could walk past the table and 'accidentally' punch Popko in the face". That wasn't Jackson who suggested that. It was me. I can be very violent.
"Let's go for something a little more subtle".
"Alright....... HAHAHA! Jackson, I never knew you were so funny!" He immediately picked up on what I was doing and went along with it.

Jamona One Shots (Jackson Fuller x Ramona Gibbler) Where stories live. Discover now