My bestfriend's crush

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Ramona's P.O.V.
I was sitting on my bed with Lola gossiping about the people in school and how lame they are. "And how Vanessa always has annoying walk whenever she sees Ryan! Hilarious!" We both burst out laughing and what made me get a stitch was when Lola started to mimic the walk. She looked like a model with a broken leg! I just couldn't hold the laugh in and I fell off my bed.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to make you fall", she explained.
"Oh that's ok. I was bound to do that anyway".
I really hurt my shoulder doing that.

After about 20 more minutes of gossiping and laughing out manically, we got onto the serious topics.
She had this smirk on her face saying, 'I'm gonna get you so embarrassed that you'll turn red'. I didn't like that look.
"So... who is your crush?" Lola looked so happy that I could actually see the grin begging to form from her face.

"Ummmmm. Who's your crush?" I ask back. The reason I didn't want to say anything was that my crush was actually the one person that I can't stand. Jackson. I know that he likes her so I don't want to get in the way of whatever might happen between the two.

I was begging in my head for her to say someone else. But........
"I like Jackson. Don't tell him I said this but he's actually pretty cute". I couldn't believe it. Did she really just say who I thought she said?

No. It must've just been my brain thinking she said that she liked the one I love.

"Although you do live with him, so maybe you could throw in a good word for me?" She carried on. I was too baffled to answer. Who else is our age and lives with me. I don't think she was going on about Max.

"Ramona...?" I forgot that I was staring into nothingness.

"Umm, yeah sure. You'll make a great couple", I responded happily. Haha haha. I'm dying inside.
"Well I gotta go But I'll see you tomorrow yeah? And then I'll find out who you like". She got up and walked through my bedroom door. I could hear her footsteps walk down the stairs and about 30 seconds later, the door shutting.


Jackson's P.O.V.
Ramona and Lola have been laughing for ages and it's driving me insane! I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack, even though I wasn't that hungry. I left the kitchen to see Lola walking down the stairs. I liked her a bit, but not enough to flirt. But I guess I always do that... so maybe it is enough.

"Oh hey Jackson!" She says enthusiastically, jumping down the last few steps. "Hi Lola". She walks up to me, getting quite close actually. Every time I think she's gonna stop she doesn't. Okay, Lola! Way too close now.
She was only like a few centimetres away. I had to take a massive step back to even be at a relatively safe distance from her.

I had today something. She keeps on coming closer. And all I'm doing is smiling awkwardly, crying for help. I had to do something. "Well it was nice talking to you", I rushed towards the door to open it, "You can leave now and you know... never come back". I mumbled that last part to myself.

After Lola left I flipped down onto the couch and decided that... I don't think I really do like Lola after all. I pray that she doesn't come back. How can Ramona withstand her?

(Next day)

School. I hate it. But I have to go. I drag myself out of bed, get ready and almost fall down the stairs into the kitchen where breakfast was waiting.
"Jackson! Hurry up, you're gonna be late", mom rushed. I hadn't even looked at the time today. I glanced at my watches saying I had 5 minutes to be at school.

I still had time.

When I arrived at school, everyone was already in class but I still had to go to my locker. But Lola was waiting there. Weird. I have this strange feeling that she's into me.
"Umm... hey Lola. Do you mind moving out of the way? I need to get to my locker".

Jamona One Shots (Jackson Fuller x Ramona Gibbler) Where stories live. Discover now