Goodbye Ramona

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No one's P.O.V.
Everyone was gathered in the living room for a family meeting which they all thoroughly 'enjoyed'.

To the looks of things, Kimmy was the one with news and Fernando stood beside her like the power couple they are.
Although, for some reason, DJ starts talking instead.

"Now, I've gathered you to this family meeting because of some special news that Kimmy has for you. However it doesn't include most of you", she said, "just one actually....... It's Ramona".
She stepped down and sat on the side of the couch.

"Yes thank you DJ. So our news! Fernando if you'd like to do the honours", Kimmy started.

Fernando was welling up with them dramatic hand fan waves to his eyes. "I cannot do this. I'm too upset to say".

"Papa are you okay? What's going one?" Ramona chimes in. For a minute, she actually looked worried.
Everyone else looked bored. They had been sitting here for over five minutes watching a grown man cry.

"Everything's fine sweetie", Kimmy reassured which made Ramona relax a little, "Fernando! Buck up would ya? Oh and zip up. You know..."
she obviously said the last part as a whisper but everyone pretty much knew what she was whispering about when his face turned to shock and he turned around to zip it.

"So! The news" he said enthusiastically in his Spanish accent, "Kimmy and Ramona Gobbler will soon become a Gibbler-Hernandez-Gurrereo-Fernandez-Gurrero! And we're getting a bunny rabbit!"

Kimmy and Fernando had the biggest wide smiles plastered on their faces whilst everyone else was still bored. They've been through this drill many times and it was never going to work out in the end. But they're getting a bunny!

But one person gave hope. Ramona Gibbler. Soon to be Ramona Gibbler-Hernandez-Gurrero-Fernandez-Gurrero. She was so happy that she jumped out of her seat and hugged them immediately.

"You really mean it this time?!" She asked with hope.
"Of course we do sweetie. No push backs this time!" Kimmy said confidently.

This suddenly triggered the others in the couch to start being happy. It was nine in the morning so Stephanie was too tired to care right now and Jimmy was preparing something at the Gibbler house. Probably packing. But why? "Congratulations Fernando", Max said formally, "and on the bunny. I love bunnies so take good take of it".

However, DJ still had a question playing on her mind. "Wait Fernando. Surely it would just be Gibbler-Gurrero. Not all the other names because they're your middle names".

Fernando turned to her to say something like 'isn't it obvious?' Instead he said, "But then it wouldn't sound as cool".

"Well that was great and all, but can I go now?" Jackson asked, "I have a game to get back to. Those zombies aren't going to kill themselves. Well, unless they're you know... not okay".

Just as Jackson was about to stand up, Kimmy stopped him. "Whoa! You can't leave yet. SIT!" Everyone was way too afraid to say anything now.
Except Max.

"Why though? You've told us your great news now can I please get back to my history project?" He asked.

"No! They have more news", DJ butted in, "Sorry Kimmy, this is just so exciting for me. And everyone else in this family. My dad will be so thrilled!"

Fernando pretty much had had enough. "Stop all of this interrupting. The surprise is that my Kimberlina and my Ramona will be-"
He was cut off by Kimmy's eagerness to tell people.
"- Me and Ramona are moving in next door!"

Shocked faces spread everywhere. Of course except DJ and Stephanie. They were delighted of this announcement. Especially Stephanie.

"Wait! Does that mean I'll get my room back?" Jackson asked straight away, not even caring about the fact that there would be less people living in that packed house.

Jamona One Shots (Jackson Fuller x Ramona Gibbler) Where stories live. Discover now