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everlene walked back to her suburban home with a large grin across her face that she couldn't seem to wipe away

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everlene walked back to her suburban home with a large grin across her face that she couldn't seem to wipe away.

that was until she saw her brothers tongue down her best friends throat.

"what the fuck" when everlene spoke, the two broke apart, alison ducking down hoping ev couldn't see her, oh but she could.

"it's not what it looks like" tom spat out, face red.

"i won't hesitate bitch!" ev said with a chuckle, "but seriously i thought we were meant to tell each other everything, ali! i wouldn't have been mad if you guys just told me, i mean i already knew that ali was in love with tom but i didn't know you guys were a thing!" by now ali had come up from where she was previously sitting, and gave her friend a guilty look.

"sorry i just didn't know how you'd react and you have all this wyatt stuff going on and i didn't want you to stress or anything" ali spoke out quickly.

"wyatt stuff? what wyatt stuff?! don't tell me you like wyatt oleff!" tom was fuming at the thought.

"don't turn this on me big bro, you're the one with your tongue down ali's throat!" ev said

"so you do like him!!" tom responded and ev grabbed ali's hand, taking her up to her bedroom, quickly closing and safely locking the door behind them.

"spill the tea." was all ev said

"well one day he came to check on me and i was dancing and so he joined me and then one thing led to another and he kinda kissed me and now we're a thing" ali explained

"i would be really excited for you right now but it's my brother we're talking about so i'm gonna throw up."

"ha. ha."

"i have some news"


"wyattandiarekindaathingnowpleasedonttelltomthanks" ev rambled but ali heard every word.

it wasn't long until the pair were jumping up and down and screaming.

"what's all this screaming about?" wyatt climbed through the window joining the pair.

"jesus wyatt, i know you guys are a thing now but you can not just climb through the window all willy nilly! her brothers are home they'll hear you!" alison whisper yelled at wyatt.

as if on que sam began to bang the door.

"ev open up! there's a letter for you in the mail!" sam said

"okay one sec!" you could tell she sounded nervous, motioning for wyatt to get in her closet.

in one swift movement he climbed in and ev slammed the door behind him, pushing he back up against it, then ali opened the door for tom.

"here you go, i'm pretty sure it's a birthday card from aunt may." sam looked up, handing her the card, "what's in there?" he pointed at the closet behind her.

"oh uh.. nothing!" she said, unfortunately just when she finished speaking a sneeze could be heard belonging to none other then wyatt oleff himself.

"who's behind there?" he asked again, seemingly getting angrier.

"no one, i promise!"

"then what was that sneeze?"

"it was probably just the neighbors, y'know it's allergy season, in fact i'm feeling quite stuffy myself, mind getting me a tish?" she asked trying to get her older brother to leave.

it didn't work though, and seeing how he's much stronger then ev he simply moved her out of the was and opened up her closet door, where he was met face to face with wyatt himself.

it wasn't long till sam was yelling, grabbing wyatt by his collar and dragging him down stairs.

"what do you think you're doing in my sisters room?!" he yelled, practically fuming.

"uh socialising?" by now they walked into the living room where tom and harry were sitting, watching tv.

"what is he doing here?!" both tom and harry stood up.

"why don't you ask everlene, he was in her closet." sam responded.

uh oh.

the three sixteen year olds were sitting down on the leather couch, tom in front of them, pacing.

sam was death glaring wyatt and harry was just glancing in between the three of them in confusion.

"care to explain why wyatt here was in your bedroom, young lady?" tom looked ev right in the eyes.

"well you see, when two people like each other they hang out, i thought you'd understand considering you had your tongue down ali's throat earlier." ev crossed her arms, and toms facial expression turned from just angry, to angry and surprised.

"you like him! ev are you kidding me?! no no no you can not date!" he looked between the two.

"too late." she shrugged and grabbed wyatt's hand in hers, smiling.

"that's it!" tom grabbed wyatt by his shirt, pulling him to stand up.

"tom no!" ali stood up with them, pulling tom back.

"you can't do this to ev, she needs to live her life, if he hurts her, then by all means rip his dick off but for now just let her live and learn, babe." alison's voice was calming and quiet.

tom sighed and dropped wyatt, knowing ali was right.

"okay fine. you guys can date or whatever but i swear to god if you hurt her wyatt you have another thing coming and no funny business, we really don't need another oleff running around." ev rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"don't worry big bro, thanks, i guess." ev said.

"you're welcome, and wyatt?" tom looked back at wyatt.


"scram." tom said and with that wyatt was out of there faster then you could say 'banana pancakes'

welp here's another mediocre chapter

as always,

see you in the next mediocre chapter <3

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