Cheesies [29]

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Ace's POV (oou)

"Dude, what's up with Luca?" Brandon asked me as I got my bag from my locker.

"I could care less." I shrugged, closing my locker shut.

"Dude, he's like your best friend-"

"Nah. Fuck him dude." I started to walk to class.

"Bro Emily? Tight ass. Had her in bed last night too, flexibleeee, I approve." Shawn mentioned to the boys as they all reacted with yells and pats on the back.

I rolled my eyes, kept on walking.

My mind was really all over the place, but set on one person.


I don't know, she's been on my mind since I basically tortured her in the corner of the hallway when she caught me and my crew beating up this dude at the back of school.

And ever since then, she's given me a different outlook...on everything.

I have no clue how though.

Like, she's made me so happy, happier than I'd been in years, which is crazy because genuine happiness had always been the last thing on my mind.

It's gotten to the point where I couldn't stand not seeing her on a regular basis.

Feels like a drug.

I just enjoy her presence, I could never get tired of it.

Fuck, I sound whipped.

I need to stop, this has never happened to me before.

She's giving me weird feelings I've never felt before.

Like what the actual fuck, she made me blush, which actually never happens.

Oh, there she is.

I watched as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail while she looks into her locker.

I should go see her, haven't seen her today actually, probably why I've been so annoyed my everyone.

I headed towards her locker.

"Dude where're you going?!" Brandon hollered at me as I walked away, ignoring him.

"He looks really fucking hot today doesn't he?"

"He usually does."

"Always does actually. God he's so beautiful."

I ignored the nice remarks some girls gave me as I walked by some people.

"Morning Miller!" A couple of people greeted me, but I ignored them too.

I approached her, tapping her shoulder.

She turned around and her expression rises when she sees me.

She smiled and tilted her head to the side.

"Hey you." I smile at her cuteness.

"Hi you!" She sticks her tongue out and I smile wider.

"You never come to my locker. I mean you have like twice. Once to help me from the bullfrogs, can't remember the other time-"

"We get it, silly." I laughed, "have you taken your pills?" I asked her.

She furrowed her eyebrows as she thinks.

"If you have to think about it then you haven't taken th-"

"Yes I did! Before second period." She crossed her arms, smiling.

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