Plankton and Princess [30]

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Kensley's POV

It was that time of year, prom.

Prom prom prom.

Big traditions....globally and not even nationally.

America seems to take it to the max though.

Like, I'm not quite sure about how big other countries take prom, but I bet none compares to U-S to the fucking A.

Why I said "to the fucking A"?

I don't know.

But as I said, it's that time of year.

And as that time of year rolls around, something called "promposals" come around.

And you guys all know what a promposal is, but I'm Kensley Parker and I don't care if you know what it means, I'm still going to tell you what it means.

A promposal is-

"Hi you!" I felt the familiar tug on my ponytail as I turn around.

"I was in my train of thought, plankton." I shoved Ace's shoulder as he smiles at me.

"Oou you were? What were you thinkin about huh?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Why would you want to know?" I squinted my eyes in confusion.

"I'm always interested. You think up of some interesting shit sometimes. Like when we went star gazing the other day, you were thinking of a puppy olympics. Remember?" He started to gradually laugh.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

And yes, Ace and I have been having little adventures the past month.

Like once we went to a bunch of museums in one day, just to steal souvenirs from all the gift shops.

He's pretty slick with things like that.

Me? Not so much.

Then of course we went stargazing.

We went go cart racing a few times.

And to a water park like once.

Oou! We also went mini golfing and ice cream tasting.

He actually also took me to a street fight once.

But like, not in the audience because that would've been a mosh pit. We stayed in the background and watched.

It was actually quite interesting to be honest.

Also really scary.

We didn't want to get caught because then we would've gotten beaten to a pulp-

"Ken, your zoning out is getting waaaay outta hand lately." Ace shook me out of my train of thought.

"Damn it, you cut the train of thought off again you meat head." I shoved his shoulder again.

"It needed to be cut." He puts on a smirk.

"YES YES YES I'LL GO TO PROM WITH YOU!" We both heard a girl squeal, followed by an applause from the surrounding crowd.

"Promposal." Ace and I both sighed, looking to our right at the scene.

It was actually someone from the Elites.

Ezra Nappleton.

Weird name.

But she was pretty, and was asked to prom by Shawn so that's good.

"You don't go to shit like that do you?" Ace asked as we both kept our eyes on the jumping girl and the crowd and the basic "will you go to prom with me" poster board and the grinning boy.

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