Chapter 2; elegant

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OKAY SO, this is based after civil war when the A team is all friends again! (Cheers in that background - yeah? No? Okay I'll just go and let you read ;) )

Your POV

The car slowly comes to a halt as the avengers tower (or my new home) towers over us.
"You okay, y/n?" Tony asks. I guess this is because I look at the tower in complete awe.
"whAt? Oh-uh, y-yeah!" I manage to get out.
"OkAy, well, the driver will collect your luggage and I will give you a tour of your new home!"

Coldness drowns my body as I step out of the car, using my fire power, I heat up my body. We briskly walk up the concrete stairs that lead to this magnificent building, the glass reflecting mr. Starks and my image as we enter. I am greeted by the team which was a complete shock, so much so that I think they could hear my heart beating.

"Hey, Y/n! We have heard so much about you, it's so nice to have another girl on the team!" Natasha states in her husky voice, I jut smile awkwardly and rock on my feat.
"okAY MOVING ON! Y/N meet Steve (Cap), Clint (Hawky), Bruce (Hulky), Natasha (black w), Scarlett (Wanda), Vision, and Sam (Falcon)."
I shake hands with all of them, after Nat and Scarlett led me to my room which they decorated.

" I shake hands with all of them, after Nat and Scarlett led me to my room which they decorated

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(Just imagine that it's like a navy kinda colour)

(Just imagine a queen bed not two singles, a bigger space area and upstairs in that lil' department is a music set like a launch pad, electric guitar, piano set, etc.)

I walk in the room and notice my suitcases are laying neatly on my dusty pink coloured bed spread. The room is beautiful, the way it looks so elegant whilst looking homely. I turn around to see Nat and Scarlett high giving each other with grins plastered on their faces.
"Thank you guys SO much, I love it!" I hug them and feel my heart flutter with joy.

Time passes and I've told them about my relationships, especially with peter. They seem shocked to hear his name but I brush it off. I am told that I will still be going to Midtown and they also agreed that I will be able to go on the decathlon trip tomorrow, which is greAT!

- TIME Skip because I'm lazy and tired :)) -

My bags are packed with the essentials and Mr. Stark said that I will start my training when I get back from the decathlon competition, I'm currently in the car with Happy and we are lacking conversation.
FinAlly I arrive at school,
"Thanks Happy, See Ya' in a couple of days!"
"Yeah bye kid"
I take a sharp turn and head to Mr. Harris with Peter already standing next to him. My hair was in a messy bun and I was wearing a pair of floral mom jeans with a maroon and grey hoodie and some combat boots

 My hair was in a messy bun and I was wearing a pair of floral mom jeans with a maroon and grey hoodie and some combat boots

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I smile and wave at them - they seem deep in conversation so they don't notice me. I drop my heavy bags in front of them and clear my throat.
"oH! Good morning y/n! The bus is ready for you kids. Just so you are aware, it will take around two days to get to Cali. Also, the competition is on the first day so I let you kids have the second day to roam around LA!"
Mr Harris seems pleased with himself as he walks off to the bus.
"Parker" I nod my head signalling a 'hello'.
"Y/l/n" he replies with a smile.
"Just so you know, I don't wanna' loose this competition because of you"
oH mY gOd pEtEr! We were have a mOmenT! Does this (lil') boi know how to kEEp his mouth shUt?
Welp. This is going to be a loooooong bus ride.

-Skip two days muh bruhdus-

We finally reach the creamy coloured hotel after days of bickering with each other. We walk in and get our room keys - wAIT! There are 2 room keys... and there are three of us and I'm the only girl (gOrl ha) and there is a teacher.... ohmiGOD! Either peter or I have to share a room with *cringes* Mr Harrington.
"Uhhhhh Mr Harrington, there are two keys...." peter states
"Ahh yes, you two will be staying in one room which will be on the 3rd floor and I will be staying on the 5th floor." He smiles proudly, chucks us the keys and walks to the elevator.
Peter and I look at eachother with red faces and we make our way to the metallic elevators. We stand awkwardly waiting for it to arrive, just listening to the clinging and clanging of the old elevator as it arrives.
"after you" peter offers with a warm smile, I blush as I enter the elevator. wAIT WHY DID I BLUSH?! Okay - it's okay, just think of an excuse or ——- AHAH! Yes! Act like you don't care!
OkAy here we go, time for the signature move.....
Rolls eyes
(it's faster is you rOll, if you get that I love you.)
I hear peter scoff behind me and a wave on guilt drowns my body.
I try and make small talk as this elevator fails to make it up three levels quick enough.
"*clears throat* , so? How have you been?"

PETERS POV (this poor confused lil boi)

ummmm WHAT? First when I be nice to her she ROLLS HER EYES (rUde), then when no less then 10 seconds after SHE ASKS ME HOW I'VE BEEN? gi(o)rls are confusing!


An awkward second later the elevator lets out a schreech signalling that we are at our level. I walk out almost immediately and rip the keys off of POor PEter and run to our door. the suspense of what the rooms gonna look like is kILLING ME!
The door slowly opens to reveal...

Ha sorry mah dOOds but y'all need to stay tuned for the next chapter!

- P x

Word count: 1015

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