Chapter 12; Friends or what?

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I sit down next to Peter - and Jordan, Riley, Lee, marley, Jaime, Payne, adam, matt and mer sat down after me. The tweens [14-] sit on the counter so they aren't with us.
"So. What are your guys powers?" Pete asks so start a conversation. Since we're all in a circle, like this;
Marley Y/n
Lee    Jaime
  Cara                                         Tahlia
Jordan Freddy
Matt Riley
Payne Meric
We go from Marley to Lee to Jordan etc.

"I have supa' strength, stamina and hightened senses." Marleys accent was very strong.
"I have no special power, I am just a Nat in the making.."
"I am basically a new and improved Einstein.." I see peter roll his eyes at this..
"I can control fire" Jordan shows a flame dancing above her palm. The reflection of the flame bounces off Jordan's face, making it red-ish.
"I can turn into any animal I want," he turns into a baby huski and then back to normal.
"I can turn invisible" Payne quickly disappears, then appears in the middle of the circle.
"I can speak to animals."
"I have the same power as Matt." Meric turns into a small, baby koala, then back to normal.
"I am basically like Elsa. I can control ice and make ice appear out of anywhere. I can also make snow storms." Riley lifts her hand and forms a snowflake. She blows it over to the tween group which had Amelia, Rocky and Rei.
"I also have super strength. As well as a devilish charm," Freddy says, winking at Jaime. #Jeddy [sorry I'm so cringe because it's late at night]
"I can persuade anyone to do anything. Who wants to get me a bottle of water?" Everyone groans negatively in response. "Hey... matt, do you think you could get me a glass of water, please?" Tahlia batts her eyelashes and stares deeply into his eyes. After a few seconds matt stands up, gets her a glass of water, sits back down and shakes out of her control.
"Woah.." Matt exhales.
Tahlia has a small smile on her face. Her freckles showing on her pale face.
"I can stretch any body part and make it longer, shorter etc."
"I'm sure the boys wish they had your power" Tahlia says as she winks. We all laugh out loud. Jaime stretches her arm towards Payne's pizza and takes a pit and places it back on his plate.
"My power is that I can-"
I get cut off by another buzzing sound. Telling us that lunch was over. Great.
Time for 'gUaRdINg' or whatever..

-P xx

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