Chapter 19; House Arrest

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"What's up Slut bags?" I announce, entering the teens lounge. I was just at this random Kebab shop down the road and picked up everyone's orders. Also stopping at Whataburger [Dunno if they have this in NY] on the way back to get some drinks.
I give everyone their drinks and kebabs and sit down in between Peter and Marley.
"Whatcha doods doing?" I ask, trying to catch up to speed with the convos.
"We are just about to play 21 questions, except we will all write down a question on a sheet and we each have to answer all of them." Jordy replies.
The sheet of paper gets passed around and various questions are down, some are like: 'Are you a virgin?' 'Who was the last person that you've kissed' to 'Do you have siblings' and 'Favourite type of music'.
Riley starts.
"First question;
1. What's your full name?
Riley Maddison Trims.
2. Do I have siblings?
Yes, Jords.
3. Am I a virgin.
4. Who was the last person I kissed?
She glances at Adam subtly, but I caught on. Adam nods yes.
"The last person I kissed was Adam!"
Everyone made a comment, whether it was an 'Ooooo' or an 'about time!'
Matt's turn
"5. Have I ever been in a relationship?
Yes I have... but it was in year 5, so I dunno if that counts?
6. What type of music am I into?
Uhhhh I guess it's an unpopular style, but indie.
7. Who is your favourite sibling (if you have one) if you haven't got a sibling, who would you want to be your sibling?
Uhhhh my older sister would have to be my favourite sibling... sorry Mer?
8. Fro-yo or ice cream?
Payne turn
"9. Have you ever been outside America?
10. Do you watch anime?
No I do nOt watch anime
11. Who is your favourite out of this group?
Hmmmm probably Freddy since I've known him longer. Or y/n bc she a cool cat. Can I ride your bike to school now?
12. Favourite artist?
Jaimes turn
"13. Thoughts on everyone in the room
Oooo okAy.
Payne - funny dude
Freddy - short dude
Riley - cool cat
Y/n - My favourite no offence to anyone else.
Matt - Confuses me with Meric
Meric - confuses me with matt
Jordy - mum
William - Mysterious
Anne - I love your power
Tahlia - very pretty
Cara - very smart
Peter - Smart, also love your power aswell
[sorry if I missed anyone]
14. Style of clothing
I dunno, I guess casual chic
15. Languages you speak
Uhhh... Spanish, Indonesian and French.
16. Favourite number
I guess it's 13? I just feel bad for it! It's misses out on the calendar, clocks and watches. It's so sad."
Peters turn
"17. Power you wish you had
Uhhhhhh... maybe like.. being extra smart? So I can beat Y/n in School." He turns and smiles at you.
"18. What tattoo would you get?
Probably a spider on the bottom of my foot.
19. Go-to prank?
Hmm. Dunno if this is a prank but draw on someone's face while they're sleeping.
20. Favourite person here but has to be opposite gender.
Y/n I guess.
21. Who is your crush and would we know them?
............. you would know them and that's all I'm gonna say."
Everyone let's out an awwwwww because of the unsatisfying answer.
he probably like MJ. My heart drops to the ground and I don't know why. I'm not supposed to like him. He is supposed to be my enemy. I walk over to the mini fridge and snack table that's in the lounge. I grab an iced coffee [yum] and a chocolate bar.
"You okay, y/n/n?" Peter comes up behind me and gives me a hug. His hands slide around my waist and his breathe is hot in the crook of my neck. My stomach flutters and I get goosebumps.
"Yeah I'm fine." I say coldly. As much as I wanted to stay like this forever, I was still.... I dunno.. jealous maybe? I scooch out of his grip and walk towards the group to announce that I'm going back into my room.
I collapse on my bed and let a few tears out. Why am I over thinking this? He never said who his crush was! I wipe the tears away and go up stairs in my room to play with my instruments.
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[dunno how to get a vid to put in here sooo]

I put my electric guitar, launchpad and all my loops away. The beige carpet brushed against my feet as I walked back down the stairs. I feel like my body's here but my mind isn't.
*knock* *knock*

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