Mayhem 4: Act

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Mayhem 4: It's painful to see what a smile can hide.


Claire's PoV

Breathing heavily, I aimed at the target as I ran through the area, avoiding the same ammo being fired at me.

"Good game," I mumbled as I leaped out of the bush and fired without hesitation. I didn't care if I missed or not. As long as the target doesn't get the chance to aim at me, everything is fine.

"Aww... you got me," the target stated as it put its hands up.

"As a professional, I won't let you fire me back at me, Nova."

She dusted her shirt and walked towards me. She examined the blue stain on her shirt and felt amused.

"So, do you mind telling me why we're using paint guns? I recall that we have those kiddie-laser guns in the storage room," I asked.

She picked up the paint gun and reloaded it. She wore a smile on her face and pointed the gun at me.

"I like special effects," she mused.

"Yeah, right," I replied while attempting to lower her gun but her grip was strong, it was no use.

I let go and sighed, "Do you really want to shoot me that bad?"

She placed her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow. The paint gun is being held on her right hand with her fingers are still ready to pull the trigger.

"Don't you sass me," she replied. She rolled her eyes and I gave her a plain look. "I can shoot you with my eyes closed," she added.

I tossed my gun to her direction and she caught it. She gave it a twirl and loaded it with violet paintballs. A sly smirk appeared on her face as she scanned the area for paths that I may use for escape.

As someone who was with her for quite a long time, I can already read her like a book.

"Don't mind the possible routes. I have no excuse to invalidate this challenge. Just try to shoot me in 3 minutes," I stated.

She aimed at me and replied, "You're wish is heard loud and clear."

I leaped out of the area and started dodging the attacks. I accidentally hit my arm, making me fall to the ground and fortunately, missed the paint. I underestimated her. She's pretty quick.

I pulled out my pocket knife and spilled my remaining blue paint on it. This calls for close combat.

I stayed in place as I waited for her to be in my range.

"Claire, dear. It's not like I can kill you with a paintball gun. Come out already!" she scoffed as she stepped closer.

The leaves have stopped crunching, meaning that she stopped moving. Is she planning to snipe me?

Well... I don't really think that she could do that.

"Don't be a scared little girl and get out of there, " she exhorted.

Scared little girl who?

I threw a stone to revert her attention to somewhere else. She instantly responded and tried looking for the source of the sound.

I attacked from behind, splattering paint on her back. She froze for a while and slowly faced me. Instead of a face smeared with disappointment, I received a grin.

Oh shoot.


I immediately jumped and hung on a tree branch. The paintball missed, thankfully.

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