Mayhem 3: Deceit

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Mayhem 3: You can't deceive someone if you can't deceive yourself.


Claire's PoV

"Okay, so why are we even here?" Nova said while looking around.

I crossed my arms and let out a sigh. It's been literally 24 minutes since Miss Adelaide left. We're stuck in the head quarter's theater without any task.

"What does this do?" Ryu said while holding a prop. It seems like it's a party popper.


He pulled the string and confetti flew everywhere. I face palmed and Ryu just stood surprised.

"He pulled it... he actually pulled it..." Nova mumbled and sank on her knees. The theater that she tidied up just a while ago is now a colorful mess.

"Whatever. I'm not cleaning that," I said. They looked at me and they wore a funny look, seeing that I am already at the door.


I opened the door and left anyways. I could hear muffled screams coming from inside. That's probably Ryu's.

"Is there a problem, Claire?"

I turned around and saw Miss Adelaide carrying more props.

"Ah, yes. Ryu used party popper and took 500 true damage just now. Nova probably used punch," I plainly said.

"Those kids... I can't believe they're older than you though. Then again, mind helping me out here?"

She pointed at the boxes sitting on the floor. I nodded and picked them up and carried them inside. A few people followed. I'm guessing that they're new recruits.

When I came in, I saw Ryu clutching his stomach.

"I guess I was wrong. Nova used kick," I said.

Miss Adelaide giggled and Ryu tried his best to stand up. "Yep, she used kick," he weakly stated and glared at Nova.

Nova helped me with the boxes and Ryu sat on the floor. He said that he was "healing" so technically the most useless person in this room. He got beaten up by a girl... and that kinda disappointed me. Why am I friends with this guy again?

"Okay, so we're gonna be testing your acting skills," Miss Adelaide announced.

As someone who everyone knew as emotionless, I think my pride would sink when it comes to this. Nova would always be the best at this since she is often assigned to undercover missions.

"I think this is the perfect time to display the drama queen inside," Ryu whispered and I nudged his shoulder.

"Shut up Ryu," I whispered back.

"Cold as ever," he replied.

Miss Adelaide scanned the room and pointed at Nova. "Miss Perez, would you like to go first?" she asked.

Nova just nodded and smiled. She proudly went up the stage.

Her role is a waitress at a café. That's probably her forte. She smiled as she put on a frilly apron and picked up a tray.

"Welcome back, master! What would you like to order for today?"

I could hear Ryu snicker and since we're in the front, I believe that Nova could hear him as well. Just looking at Nova, she's trying to ignore Ryu.

"Is that really Nova?" he asked.

I nodded. Frankly, he never saw her during undercover missions. I guess this was a first for him.

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