Mayhem 2: Emotions

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Mayhem 2: Feelings are just obstacles that can affect your mission.


Claire's PoV

I ran to the park at full speed. My assignment was the farthest from the meet-up venue but I managed to reach it first. I rested my back against the tree behind me. I glanced at my watch and sighed.

"You're late," I said with dead pan look, glaring at the figure.

"No, you're just early," Ryu replied while catching his breath. He rested his arm on the tree and sunk down.

Nova caught up to the conversation and smiled, "Ah, there you are!"

She knelt down and pulled Ryu's ear, leaving him wincing in pain. "What was that for?!" he yelled.

Nova gave a deadly look and said, "You left me behind. I'm your comrade for goodness' sake. I was never your opponent."

"You do realize that there might be people watching us," I piped in.

Both of them stood up and looked at me. I raised an eye brow to let them know what's going on. Unfortunately, it seems like they didn't pick up the message.

"Look Claire, we know that you hate parks and all but can we have just a little fun?" Ryu said with a playful tone. I shook my head and replied, "This isn't the time for your little jokes, Sir Brauss. Miss Adelaide is already waiting for our report. We've wasted mi-"

"Alright, we get it Claire. Let's go," Nova cut in and she started walking away. Ryu and I followed. The two of them were having a conversation while I remained silent.

When we got to head quarters, Ryu instantly asked for water while Nova was laughing at him as she calls him "weak". I just reluctantly took glances of them and sighed.

"Miss Raven, I assume that you have the report?"

I turned around and saw Miss Adelaide standing behind my swivel chair. I stood up and handed her the document. She motioned me to follow her to the office and say my report.

"Nova Perez has found out the plans of the opposing organization. It states in the document that the heir will be holding an afternoon ball for his suitors. The attentive date is unsure," I said with a straight face.

She skimmed through the pages and stopped midway, "What about Ryu?"

"Ryu Brauss didn't find out where the opposing side's head quarters are located. He is sure that it isn't in the east of the said area," I replied.

She closed the folder and faced me, "Claire, do you have a problem with smiling?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

I began to feel flustered. The topic is way out of point. I froze there, not knowing what to answer.

"That's it... there's no need to be completely formal with me, Claire. Besides, you'll get old fast when you don't smile," she said.

Adelaide Maddison, the leader of the Light Organization, is telling me to be informal with her...

But the age gap is huge. I'm not saying that she's old but she is 34 years old, and to be frank, she looks like she's only 20.

"Claire Raven. That's who you are now. Ever since you became that person, you don't smile anymore. Why is that?" she asked out of worry. I fidgeted in discomfort. I sighed and memories replayed in an instant.

Why should I smile in the first place? I don't feel even a bit of happiness.

"I see, " she paused and smirked at me, "You need a boyfriend."

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