Midnight Conversations

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The sound of someone knocking awoke the Kurta from his slumber. He sat up slowly, rubbing his eye and yawning, still tired. He looked out the window and saw the pounding rain. It's been like that even before dinner.

Someone knocked again, this time louder. Having no choice, Kurapika stood to entertain his late-night guest. Judging by the darkness it must be around midnight or so. Opening the door slowly, he is surprised to be met with Gon's face, his blanket wrapped tightly around his shoulders.

"Yes Gon?" Kurapika asks above a whisper, keeping his voice low to not disturb the other two in the house. "It's quite late. Why are you still awake?"

Gon averted his eyes to the floor, fumbling for the right words. "A- anou..." He looked at him then back down, suddenly shy. He shares a room with Killua but both of them move around a lot and his best friend kicked him out of bed. Gon tried several times to go up but it was no good. Then he couldn't sleep because of the rain and grew scared. He could've asked Leorio but it seemed he was out like a light. Plus he was snoring so loud. And so came to the blond, wondering. Thinking if he'd allow him to sleep in the same bed since the rain is so loud and he's tired.


The boy looked up at him. "Kurapika I know you're super tired and it's midnight demo I can't sleep and I was... wondering if you'd- if you'd let me... sleep... here?" he finishes with difficulty, covering the top of his head with the blanket.

Kurapika leaned on the doorway, a fond smile on his face. "Can't sleep?"

At his nod he gets out of the room, putting a comforting hand on the back of his shoulder to steer him toward the kitchen. He sat the younger down on the high stool and went to the fridge, offering a glass of warm milk to him. "Drink up. It will help you."

And so Gon did, hopping down and washing his cup. Then he let Kurapika take him to his room. The rain was still pouring down, this time accompanied by thunder and lightning. When a streak of light flashed on the window they passed by, Gon immediately held Kurapika's waist, afraid. A pat on the head was all it took for the boy to relax.

They reached his room in no time and the blond shut the door, climbing back to bed. He saw the other hovering by him, and so scooted close to the wall, patting the space beside him. The bed dipped from the added weight, and Gon immediately went closer, seeking for warmth in this cold night.

The older draped the blanket over them both, locking eyes with Gon for a little bit before feeling his eyes droop. Before he could surrender to sleep, the younger's voice brought him back. "Kurapika?"



"Huh? Doushita Gon? You did nothing wrong."

Gon looked at the covers, avoiding Kurapika's stare. "For waking you up and making you share beds with me. Gomen demo the rain's just too loud for me."

To his surprise a gentle hand ran up his hair, making him look at the Kurta once more. He had a small smile on his face. "Don't ever think you are a burden Gon. You're much more and I believe with perseverance and determination you will become great and find your father."

Gon's eyes shone with unshed tears and merriment. "You really believe that Kurapika?"

"Of course," he said with a bigger smile. "You've proved that over and over in our time together."

He felt Gon's cheeks with the ghost of his fingertips. Gon just kept on staring at his eyes. Without thinking things through, he threw himself on Kurapika in a hug, feeling his chest swell and his heart burst. He snuggled closer to his chest, his affection toward him boosted. Kurapika in turn held him tight, nestling the younger's head on his chest and pulling him close. Such warmth radiating from his small body.

"Kurapika daisuki! Suki desu! Hontou!" Gon exclaims with vigor.

Kurapika laughs a little. Due to Gon's keen hearing, he was able to hear it clearly over the thundering storm. It was warm and tinkling. He felt him run his hand over his cheek. It was so warm. Luckily he was able to hear his next sentence: "I love you too Gon. And I am forever thankful at having made your acquaintance."

"I love you sooo much!" chirped Gon.

"And I will make a hefty breakfast for all of us tomorrow so why don't we tuck to bed and sleep now?" Kurapika tells him, a bigger smile in place as he settles deeper in the pillows, sleep calling out to him.

It turns out the milk has also taken effect as Gon yawns widely and snuggles impossibly closer to his friend, Kurapika holding him close as well. They both fall into deep slumber, cradling each other tight.

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